AFP-NH Calls Out Irresponsible, Tax-Hike Filled House Budget

CONCORD, NH – Americans for Prosperity-New Hampshire (AFP-NH) today called out House Finance’s proposed budget (HB 1) and trailer bill (HB 2) for their massive tax hikes and spending increases. The bills would raise the business enterprise tax and business profits tax by over $93 million, create a $150 million per year capital gains tax, an … Read more

Not One A+ for the New Hampshire Republican Majority Senate in 2018

NH SenateA Senate is typically the single biggest barrier to prosperity in government. State Senators are few in number, lobbied heavily, prone to moderate their positions and easily influenced by donors.

So when I reviewed AFP New Hampshire’s 2018 Legislative Scorecard and found no A+ grades and only two A’s in a Republican majority State Senate, I was not the least bit surprised.

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Seven New Hampshire House Republicans Try To Silence Political Speech They Don’t Like

Only you can keep RINOs out of Concord

American’s for Prosperity in New Hampshire has been doing some issues advocacy. Alerting the residents of seven House Districts held by sitting (r)epublicans that their elected officials opposed Right to Work.

The seven “Republican” House Reps are mad at AFP for daring to let voters, who might not otherwise notice, know how they voted. So they wrote a letter to the Secretary of State and the State’s Attorney General questioning AFP-New Hampshire status as a nonprofit 501(c)4.

Put another way; this truth could hurt them politically and rather than explain their votes to constituents they’ve taken the liberal road to silence an inconvenient exercise of free speech.

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New Hampshire’s “Crumbs” – Federal Tax Reform Produces “Abnormal Rise” in Business Tax Revenue

Dollar-Differences-and-Changes-in-Revenue-April-2018-768x388This week the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute (NHFPI) issued some analysis on the “abnormal rise” in New Hampshire Business tax revenue. Their conclusion? It is likely due to Federal Tax Reform.

As of the end of April, the BPT and BET together are about $90.8 million (16.9 percent) above plan for the year, and $107.0 million (20.6 percent) above April 2017. Although these two business taxes have been the primary source of the surplus during the year, the post-TCJA rise has dwarfed other revenue sources, even those that are major contributors.

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Post NH Primary Analysis

Greg Moore, the New Hampshire state Director of Americans for Prosperity, provides some post-NH Primary Analysis. Winners, losers, Surprises, and more.  

GrokTALK! Show #155

Greg Moore from AFP-NH and NH House Rep JR Hoell join us to discuss Right to Work, economic freedom, business taxes, Medicaid expansion and Obamacare, wages, free markets and more.  

Defending the Dream

AFP- NH State Director Greg Moore joined us from the Defending the Dream Summit in Ohio. The topic is economic freedom in America, the New Hampshire State budget (the lack there of), and the need to make the economic freedom of small business owners a priority.  

May 11th GrokTALK! Guest Segment – Greg Moore from AFP-NH

Mike and Steve continue their conversion with Greg Moore, the state director for AFP-NH.   In segment Two they move on to Medicaid funding in the New Hampshire budget, the failure of Medicaid in general, UNH sabbaticals, Lobbying,  funding, conferences, SB 11 (expanded intermunicipal water districts), and more… Download this segment with Greg Moore here … Read more

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