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Ads and Ends

You may have noticed there are fewer ads in the actual posts today. We are terminating our relationship with an ad company that was underperforming.

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Advertise on

If you’re a business, we can get you in front of hard-working, dedicated, free-market, pro-New Hampshire, America-First consumers. If you’re a political campaign, your ad will be seen by politically engaged people more likely to be primary and general election voters.

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Buy an Ad On

If you look at the top or sidebar you may see spaces filled with Jeanine Notter’s ads. Jeanine is one of my NH House Reps, and she took out some Ads on to promote her re-election campaign to the New Hampshire House. You can do that too. Promote your campaign, a business, an organization, or … Read more

Ads. Well, with Grok 3.0, yes, we accept them!

Banners ads at the top, banners at the bottom, Sidebar ads, embedded post ads, in between posts….yes, we’re now accepting ads.  Sponsored or paid posts – yes.  When GrokTALK! returns, spots will be available. Sponsor an event that we hold or cover. And don’t forget about our Daily ‘Grok as well!   We’re also doing sponsorships of … Read more

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