Maintenance In Progress – Ads, Subscribers, Newsletter

by Skip

Ads – Commenter Anon yesterday let me know (and I experienced it myself) that the left and bottom pop-up ads were glitching in that it took TWO tries at closing (or “X-ing out”) those ads.  I contacted the ad server vendor and it seems that is now fixed.

PLEASE let me know if you are still experiencing it – while most software operates as “fix it here,” it is almost always fixed everywhere else that code is used, there are still some incidences where said code was not “called” but copy/pasted somewhere else so the bug may still be there.

Also, I have heard that they are “skinny-fying” the left side ad to not cover our content (or as much of it) as it does.  MY problem is that I don’t see it – my laptop has a 17″ screen and my external screen is 27.”  Thus, I am going to have to rely on you folks to see if, over the next few days, there’s any difference. If not, let me know and I’ll go yammer at them again (and let me know what your display type is: 16″ or smaller, tablet, smartphone, other).

As I said here (“Announcement: PayPal Has Decided to Shut Granitegrok off from Its Services“), Life threw us a bit of a curve ball.  Well, almost all of the backend stuff has been done such that we’ve moved to a backup Paypal account so we can still get paid by those who purchase either ad space or aggregate our content on their site. And we can pay our bills (I had moved money over to it just in case this happened to us like it has too many other Conservative sites) as well.

There’s just one more issue left – our wonderful readers that have subscribed to GraniteGrok and send us money on a monthly basis. And I am going to say something that I thought I’d never say:


At least through your present subscription. Now that I have your attention, IF you wish to continue to support us, please do the following:

End your present subscription – that goes to the now shut down account. You’ve probably been getting a bounceback/unable to pay notification from Paypal. I know – I get them too (it’s like they’re taunting me for shutting us down).

If you would be so kind, as to sign up once again by either hitting the DONATE button (upper right) or clicking here

The previous setup was clunky but in the years that have intervened, Paypal made it much easier (in some ways) to make that interface cleaner.  However, we understand if you decide not to do so – Paypal created a problem for us that doesn’t require you to fix.

In the meantime, also in the last few years and as Paypal went Big Tech and become Conservative Haters (we’re not the only ones to have fallen afoul of “Community Standards”), the Left taunted the Right with “if you don’t like it, go make your own”.

Silly people – we did and now THEY are the ones outraged that we on the Right followed their New Rules. There are Right-Of-Center payment processors, work-alikes to Paypal, that now exist. We’ll be looking into that and once found, set them up as our backup.

Thanks for your understanding in all this!

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