Housekeeping – malware hijacking clicks on iOS and Android phones

by Skip

We put in an ad network server and then we got reports of folks clicking on our links while being in the Facebook app on iPhones.  We shut down the ads and let our ad server know.  We thought we had it nailed and turned the ads back on after a while.  And now, we have had some reports that now both iPhones and Android phones, either in the Facebook app or simply in the Chrome browser, are now seeing redirects.  Not a lot of reports but enough to get our attention again.

We’ve reported back to the ad folks – and I haven’t received any word back at all. So, ads have been turned off again.  PLEASE let us know if you still are seeing yourselves getting redirected and not going where you think you ought to be going.  Send any details to me:

I’ve asked our webmistress for suggestions for alternatives.  We’ll keep you informed and sorry for any inconveniences.

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