Live Free or Die NH

2022 Results – NH Governor and Executive Committee

I’ll be scurrying from NH “clump” of races to another.  While this is for the NH “top” races, I’ll have another one for the NH State Senate and I’ll try to do the NH House as well. Plus, I’ll try to keep up with the US House and Senate totals as well.  My sources will … Read more

AccuVote machine McLean County Illinois

NH Primary Day is September13. Who Are You Going To Vote For? My Choices:

SAMPLE ballots are now available at the NH Secretary of State’s website (Elections Department). Thus, if you want to see who is running in your town, go there and pick which ballot (Republican or Democrat) and then you’ll be asked for your town. My choices are below, and some explanations below the ballot: Explanations: Governor: … Read more

Thad Riley screen grab Riley for Gov web site

Why I Endorse Thad Riley for Governor

I had hoped conservatives would endorse a single gubernatorial candidate rather than risk splitting the conservative vote four ways and handing the Primary to the incumbent, progressive Chris Sununu. Since that hasn’t happened, I’m weighing in to endorse Thad Riley for Governor.

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Grok Logo

GrokGauntlets – Candidates for the NH GOP Nomination for NH Governor

The election races are ON with the first finish line being September 13th – NH’s Primary Election date. The candidates aren’t just running around at breakneck speeds, they are on double overdrive in trying to squeeze out those last few votes from the still-undecided and those they think can “turn” from other candidates. As you … Read more

Doug Lambert GraniteGrok photo

BREAKING: So Doug Lambert, What Are You Going to Do Now That Another Gunstock Check to the Sununu Campaign Has Surfaced???

I’ve known that the existence of this newly discovered $1,000 check had been rumored for a while but I was asked to remain silent.  However,  loyal reader (and relatively new – THANKS for reading GraniteGrok!) Commenter Manny brought this up last night on my post (“Gunstock – Somebody Gave NH State Rep Harry Bean Really … Read more

Belknap County NH

Belknap County Republican Committee – Candidate Speaker: Thad Riley (NH Governor)

We ARE in the silly time of an election year. While normal people are still doing the “summer things”, candidates are appealing to both the politically obsessed (who have been watching for a while) and those that are starting to look at both the Primary and General elections and asking “Whom”?  Thus, the Republican candidates … Read more

Poll DreamsTime political-poll-word-badge-blue-background-44759312

Poll – Who Was Your Pick for NH Governor?

I’m late – mea culpa, mea culpa.  So, you tell us if you think the results are a bit surprising?  And what does it portend in the Primary in September?  Should Sununu be a bit worried? And not for nothing, here’s what FiveThirtyEight, a Leftist polling/consulting site that will be a constant on ABC, CBS, … Read more

Governor Groomer Chris Sununu

Sununu files for a fourth term for NH Governor

“I never thought about doing a fourth term early on, but given where we are with the pandemic, given that we’re going to have some fiscal challenges ahead, we’re heading into a potential recession,” Sununu said. “We need good financial management. We’re doing great stuff on mental health. We’ve got to see those investments through.” … Read more

Poll DreamsTime political-poll-word-badge-blue-background-44759312

Poll – who might you vote for in the 2022 NH Governor Campaign?

It’s early in the 2022 Governor Campaign and not a lot of people have signed up to run for NH Governor.  Certainly, it seems that incumbent Chris Sununu will be running for re-election.  Two others have signed up to run against him: Karen Testerman Thad Riley Julian Acciard However, there may be others out there … Read more

Life With Liz logo

Live With Liz – the extended version

Extended because I’m usually on the phone and only for 15-20 minutes a segment. This past Wednesday was different as Liz invited me into her studio for the entire hour of her show. It was FUN!

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Laughing sununu as NH Flag burns

Breaking News – Governor Chris Sununu is Not running for the US Senate

UPDATE: Kelly Ayotte decided she liked her seats on corporate Boards and isn’t running for anything. Now, it is randomized chaos on the Republican side now.  Interesting times ahead!

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu says he is not going to look to follow former US Senator John E. Sununu to The Swamp. Instead, he’s going to stay here in Concord. Or, at least, that’s his plan.

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