GrokGauntlets – Candidates for the NH GOP Nomination for NH Governor

by Skip

The election races are ON with the first finish line being September 13th – NH’s Primary Election date. The candidates aren’t just running around at breakneck speeds, they are on double overdrive in trying to squeeze out those last few votes from the still-undecided and those they think can “turn” from other candidates.

As you may know, we at GraniteGrok have been conducting our interviews with the various candidates for the Governor, US Senate, and US Congress races.  We are almost done in our two-hour grillings of each of those that wished to take part (and yes, those that DIDN’T are mostly in the “Establishment” camp). In the past, we have video recorded each session so that those Groksters that couldn’t attend would have the chance to view how the candidates handled our questions to vote knowingly in our Endorsement ballots.

This cycle, we are also making those videos public.  I promised that when we were done with a given race, I’d start putting them up. Today is the first tranche – the Governor candidates.  We invited all four candidates for Governor to come in:

  • Julian Acciard
  • Thad Riley
  • Chris Sununu
  • Karen Testerman

As I’ve pointed out before, Chris Sununu “haughtily sniffed” at us with his chin in the air (like Obama used to do) – certainly, The Establishment guy) in this race and deigned to decide that we (and you) weren’t worth his time.  The others immediately said yes and we were happy to talk with them.  While we Groksters are still in the Endorsement voting process, I figured that it was time to post up their videos:

Julian Acciard:

Thad Riley:

Chris Sununu:

Empty Chair allec-gomes-9xpnmt41NKM-unsplash

Karen Testerman:


Again, we are doing this so that YOU, our loyal readers, will have a better idea of the range and breadth of knowledge about the issues, the position, and their political philosophy lay.  Two hours (and some of our grillings happened before the formal session over “breaking of bread” (er, chili, pizza, other assorted foodstuffs provided by our hosts/Groksters Mike and Norm) so the videos aren’t two hours long.  But long enough!


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