BREAKING: So Doug Lambert, What Are You Going to Do Now That Another Gunstock Check to the Sununu Campaign Has Surfaced???


I’ve known that the existence of this newly discovered $1,000 check had been rumored for a while but I was asked to remain silent.  However,  loyal reader (and relatively new – THANKS for reading GraniteGrok!) Commenter Manny brought this up last night on my post (“Gunstock – Somebody Gave NH State Rep Harry Bean Really Bad Advice about a Delegation Emergency Meeting“).  And Manny has a GREAT finishing line at the bottom – Hahahahahahha!

Manny: And now this:

Doug ought to go over and start reading the replies.  Kinda ruins his Narrative about Tom Day and his own actions.

Well, Doug Lambert is now on a Morality pickle, isn’t he?  He was the one doing all of the public agitation to bring Tom Day (the resigned General Manager of Gunstock Mountain Resort) back to Doug’s Sacred Mountain, and the above appears.  So what will Doug Lambert, of the Gunstock Area Commission and DGFIndustrial, what will you do?  Stay “loyal” to your new buddy, Tom Day, or do the right thing and let him go for writing another Gunstock check to a political campaign?  Is that the Proper Role of Government agencies to support the sitting Governor?

Where does your Morality now lie?

What would you be doing, Doug, if the sitting Governor was a Flaming Democrat Progressive that you hated?  Would you do something or just sit on your hands and do nothing because TOM DAY?


Emphasis mine now:


So Doug, as now being the Overwatch guy on the GAC, what are you going to do about Day’s using GAC money to give a political donation to Sununu?

I’ll take a flyer on this – a payment in advance for flying coverage for the crapshow that Day, Kiediasch, Doug Lambert, Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair), and Brian Beihl have concocted and are now executing almost flawlessly?

And here’s the operative question that puts Doug Lambert on a REAL moral dilemma – will he do the RIGHT thing or will he do the political expedient action?  The old Doug (the RIGHT thing) or the new one?

Are you going to find and tell us all at the next GAC meeting what the vote was to authorize it?

After all, at the next meeting, it’s fairly certain that you’ll be the Chair. So what will it be Doug – openness and transparency or going into the Dark Corner of Government that both of used to bring Big Flashlights?

Do I need to submit another RSA 91A demand, or are you going to quash that as well? What a change if you choose the latter given that Lambert-Tardiff RTK NH Supreme Court win over the Delegation hiding their vote for a new Sheriff.

Which Doug will appear?

How much of those years of contemplation about the wrong you said you did actually mean anything?  Only Doug can answer these questions – but Manny has already figured it out!

Manny: Doug’s not going to do anything. Wouldn’t want to jeopardize his skiing this winter by upsetting Tom Day.

Cure: eyeroll from Doug. And his own answer on what is important to him:

This is so important in multiple ways – it defines him now. And I don’t have to postulate, ruminate, or cogitate; it’s his own words.

Well, except for how it ended: “Well, your end justifies your means”.




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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