Quick Thought – On the fallacy of “Self-described Experts” by Maura Sullivan (Democrat Carpetbagger in CD-1)

New WMUR logowhich “Supply Sullivan” wants us to swallow: hook, line, and trigger. I haven’t watched the WMUR debates yet but will do so because, well, I should.  Still, this sound byte from their News caught my ear (emphasis mine):

“I believe the veterans in Congress are going to lead on this because we have an unassailable credibility when it comes to guns. And we can say on the House floor, we used these in Iraq, people used them in Afghanistan. They don’t belong in Manchester and they don’t belong in Hampton. they don’t belong anywhere in this country.”

-Maura Sullivan

No, you don’t.  This is the falsehood by a “in Supply” dud who

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“I fully support the Second Amendment!” – no you don’t, Mr. Edwards (Republican candidate for NH CD-1)

First, let me state this: Groksters have decided to not put out an endorsement in the Republican Primary race in NH First Congressional District.  We’ve basically said “a pox on both their houses” for the dumpster fire that has become the norm this go around.  We interviewed both; an hour and a half with Andy Sanborn and two and a half with Eddie Edwards.  Both were gracious and we were allowed to ask pretty much any question that popped into our heads.  Both allowed us to video record their entire times and it was relayed that since not all of the Groksters couldn’t attend the sessions, we wanted them to be able to form their own views from the interviews.  We were also given permission, by both, to post the videos if we wanted to. To date, we have not.

Which brings me to the sign above.  It became clear that Mr. Edwards did not agree with it during our interview; I grow weary of politicians saying different things to different audiences. In this case, to we Groksters and then to others.

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Maura Sullivan – carpetbagging from Illinois, using props from Massachusetts, to run a race in NH by being anti-gun

Democrat Socialist Maura Sullivan is running to be the Democrat nominee for NH CD-1.  She flew in from DC after growing up in Illinois; even NH Democrats are upset about having their own mini-Me-Hillary-style carpetbagger.  Many folks are writing about her latest ad and so are we (here and here).

The point of this point is to point out the “weapon” that Sullivan wants you to believe is an actual “weapon of war” that she used in Iraq (while serving in a Supply/Logistics role). EXACTLY like what she had in Iraq. Nonsense on a stick. 

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