GUEST POST: Maura Sullivan Cannot be Trusted as a Member of Congress


By Al MacArthur, Jr.

Welcome to late summer when the campaign signs are in full bloom. It is also that wonderful time of year when our homes are invaded with political ads on television and radio. The anti-gun folks are spending a ton of money on  advertisements jamming their nauseating message down out collective throats. School children are also getting into the act with callsing for stricter laws to prevent gun violence. The news piece starts out with a young lady saying, “going back to school means going back to action for gun violence protection.” (in case you missed it, you can see the segment at WMUR).

Why wait until its back to school time to start talking about this? Not a peep out of you kids for 2½ months and now it’s important to speak out. You say you want the schools to be “gun free” zones. Well kids, here is an excerpt from Antonia Okafor, opinion contributor, The, 02/22/18:

From the left’s perspective, the fewer guns there are, the safer our communities become. But it flies in the face of reality. From 1998 through 2015, more than 96 percent of mass public shootings occurred in gun-free zones, where the shooter has free rein to fire away while victims have virtually no power to defend themselves. The “gun-free” designation cannot stop a single school shooting.

Simply put, taking guns out of the hands of responsibly armed citizens will not make you safer. In fact, it allows evil people more time to commit their murderous act before someone can arrive to stop them. If you wish to discuss this matter in greater detail, I would be glad to sit and chat.

Now, on to Maura Sullivan. Her latest television ad has her front and center attacking gun owners and gun rights. She is a Marine Corps combat vet, and for that I thank her for her service.

Now that the pleasantries are over, lets get to work.

She starts her ad by holding the ‘dreaded AR-15.’ She says “it is similar to the ones I used in the Marines and carried in Iraq. With that logic, my personal vehicle is “similar” to a ¼ mile race car I once drove. They might look similar, but function entirely different. They are built for two very different tasks.

I have a few questions for Ms. Sullivan and I would love to sit with her and ask them in person. Would you please explain what a “common sense gun safety law” is?

In your ad you go on to say you want “strong background checks”. We have the NICS system in place. How would you make this better? (please give specific details)

You then move on saying you want to “ban assault rifles” and high capacity magazines. What exactly do you think this will accomplish? (again, please be specific)

I would like to compliment you on jamming all those anti-gun talking points in one 30 second ad. Ms. Sullivan, each item you bring up will do nothing to prevent evil people from committing evil acts with firearms. I would like you to tell me what law(s) you would propose that aren’t already on the books, to stop people from killing others.

(here is a hint, you cannot legislate morality)

If school safety is your goal, I and several dedicated firearms and personal safety instructors who would love for someone to sit down with us and hear our suggestions.

Just for once I wish you people (liberals) would be honest and come right out and say what you mean. You will never be happy until you enact a total gun ban and implement gun confiscation.

You took an oath and swore to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Your ad tells me you are anti-gun and therefore anti Second Amendment.

You, Ms. Sullivan cannot be trusted as a member of Congress to protect the citizens of New Hampshire and the United States of America.


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