Maura Sullivan – carpetbagging from Illinois, using props from Massachusetts, to run a race in NH by being anti-gun

by Skip

Democrat Socialist Maura Sullivan is running to be the Democrat nominee for NH CD-1.  She flew in from DC after growing up in Illinois; even NH Democrats are upset about having their own mini-Me-Hillary-style carpetbagger.  Many folks are writing about her latest ad and so are we (here and here).

The point of this point is to point out the “weapon” that Sullivan wants you to believe is an actual “weapon of war” that she used in Iraq (while serving in a Supply/Logistics role). EXACTLY like what she had in Iraq. Nonsense on a stick.  It is an AR-15.  But more so, it isn’t an AR-15 that you can buy in NH, as someone pointed out on our Guest Post:

Franklin Pierce • 2 days ago

Ms Sullivan is holding a Massachusetts neutered AR-15, a non-collapsible buttstock and no flash suppressor. One can surmise she is unaware of what constitutes a legal firearm in NH.  It has a fixed stock.  It has no muzzle flash.

So, this carpetbagger, whose NH donations are a minuscule rounding error in her war chest, campaigns in the Granite State using a rifle that most NH gun folk would laugh at so that she can take away our legal guns from DC.

She lies.

She complains about foreign interference in our campaigns – can’t we also say she’s an outsider interfering in our in-state campaign and trying to turn NH into something it isn’t?

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