“Big Dig” lawsuit filed. Could this spell trouble for Mitt?

The family of the woman killed in the "Big Dig" tunnel ceiling failure has filed the inevitable lawsuit that quite naturally follows an accident of this nature. . Today is the one year  anniversary of the post-hurricane Katrina flooding of New Orleans. People can still be heard blaming President Bush for the complete failure of the … Read more

Romney: For renewable energy before he was against it…

The State House News Service (MA) reports on Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney’s energy policies for that state as detailed in a recent press conference: STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, AUG. 11, 2006….By investing in renewable energy and encouraging conservation, the state can rein in its appetite for fossil fuel consumption, Gov. Mitt Romney said Friday, rolling out … Read more

McCain & Rice win Bow Republican picnic straw poll

Granitegrok.com, being headquartered in the "almost first in the nation" presidential nominating state of NH, will continue to feature postings about events and issues relevant to the 2008 presidential campaign. . As we get closer to that election, many political events feature "straw polls" where those in attendance get to submit some form of "ballot" … Read more

More signs of moral decline…

Ever since the sixties, there can be little doubt that America has been heading further away from the cultural and moral foundations that made us a strong people. Every day we read about the latest tragic and disgusting action perpetrated by one person against another. People in positions of responsibility abusing their power with nary … Read more

NH’s “Governor Do-Nothing”

For the past year and a half, it has been an inside joke between me and my wife: whenever New Hampshire’s Democrat governor John Lynch appears on TV, we each do our best Howdy-Doody imitations, wildly waving to some imaginary crowd with the dumbest, blankest looks we can muster, complete with exaggerated smile. Of course … Read more

Joke of the Day- Saint Kerry?

I have long found Massachusetts Senator John Kerry to be an absolutely loathesome individual. Given that, and all the seriousness lately regarding the new world war, I thought the following joke appropriate. It’s probably an oldie, but I can never laugh enough at the esteemed Senator’s expense. Did you know he served in Vietnam? I … Read more

Economics training in our schools

From The American Spectator:       We Don’t Teach Economics in Our Schools – Friday, June 16, 2006 @ 5:20:51 PM     The School Board in Stoneham, Massachusetts decided to pay for health insurance of school cafeteria workers by raising the price of school lunches from $2.00 to $2.75. The result: In an apparent … Read more

Government: Perpetuity? That was a long time ago…

Charles M. Arlinghaus is the president of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy. He writes a fantastic op-ed piece in the July 12th Union Leader demonstrating yet another reason, as if we needed any more, not to put too much trust in the government. While not mentioned, I wonder if the issue Charlie discusses might … Read more

Big Wind

Back in January, I wrote about wind farming in my weekly Laconia Daily Sun column–The January 9th NH Union Leader contained an interesting story about a man constructing a wind-generating farm on Mt. Jerico in Berlin. With the help of his father, Massachusetts transplant and entrepreneur Christain Loranger has been working since the summer building three … Read more

Good News & Bad News

Monday’s Laconia Daily Sun carried a story headlined, “New Hampshire residents pay least local taxes nationally.” The article, reporting on a recent study of 2004 US Census economic data, is at the same time both good news and bad news. The good news is just what the article reports: “New Hampshire residents pay less of … Read more

A Warning From Teddy

You can always tell when a certain issue is being considered by a larger than usual number of Americans based on the emails that start showing up in the “inbox.” Once a particular topic becomes worthy of matrix-like distribution throughout computers nationwide, you know it’s “hot.” Such is that of the current so-called “immigration rights” … Read more