NH’s “Governor Do-Nothing”

For the past year and a half, it has been an inside joke between me and my wife: whenever New Hampshire’s Democrat governor John Lynch appears on TV, we each do our best Howdy-Doody imitations, wildly waving to some imaginary crowd with the dumbest, blankest looks we can muster, complete with exaggerated smile. Of course the charade performance mimics not the immortal puppet from the fifties, but instead the aforementioned NH governor. “Governor Do-Nothing,” as is our pet name for the state’s chief executive, can be found daily taking credit for many “achievements” often utterly meaningless in the big scope of things. State media organs have mostly aided and abetted the governor in taking credit for all good news and events, while shunning any real responsibilities of actual leadership where some might count- i.e. the ongoing Claremont school funding fiasco.
Ed Naile of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers (CNHT) helps expose yet one more instance where Governor Lynch heaps credit to himself to the detriment of the truth:
A Little Clarification Is Due
I know we are all ga-ga at the doings of our governor (the press and questionable polls anyway) and his endless photo-ops at changing weather patterns and all, but the credit for getting Massachusetts to pay up for a past agreement to reimburse New Hampshire for land lost to flood control projects designed to protect property south of our border should be directed where it belongs – with State Representative Stretch Kennedy.
Stretch started nudging our taxpayer organization several years ago about Massachusetts’s failure to pony up $3.2 million they owed us per the interstate agreement. His thoughts were that if US Senator John Kerry was running for president he may want to grease the NH wheels with paid up back debts due our state but not coming out of his wife’s campaign chest.
That did not work out so Stretch asked CNHT to start mentioning to candidate Mitt Romney when we see him that it may be wise to pay up. Smart move, good timing!
Enter the photo-op governor and his threat of a lawsuit on the heels of Stretch’s plan. I don’t know if this lawsuit deal was in fact a reality or another campaign production but to sue Massachusetts over $3.2  million would probably cost $3.2 million and take forever.
Besides, the possibility that a real live effective Governor like Mitt Romney would be intimidated by a more or less pip-squeaky one like we have is pretty remote – in my humble opinion.
So once again Stretch, thanks for doing the old-fashioned political arm wrestling no matter who tries to take the credit.
Now you know "the rest of the story."


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