Massachusetts Tries To Bypass Bruen

Cape Cod Gun Works owner and chairman of the Civil Rights Coalition, Toby Leary, joins me to discuss H4885, a legislative assault weapon directed at law-abiding gun owners in Massachusetts. We discuss Gov. Maura Healey’s despicable move, some new (sometimes laugh-out-loud funny) restrictions and changes from the law, and what Bay State Citizens are doing … Read more

Massachusetts Uses Tax Dollars to Attack Pregnancy Centers

I concede that America is divided on most issues, but there are some situations where you have to shake your head and question the rationale of the Left. Massachusetts is one of the most liberal states in America, but I would like to have someone from the Bay State justify the ad campaign announced this … Read more

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Massachusetts Houses Children and Pedophiles Together … Again!

If you need a poster child for the incompetence of a bloated government, Massachusetts would have to be at the top of any list of candidates. Yes, Hawaii and California are bad, but they lack the tenure of the Bay State. Once the cradle of liberty, it has long since devolved into an aged ineptitude … Read more

Taxation is theft any state

Massachusetts Proposes a New Tax to Fund ‘Affordable’ Housing

This might be a great Town Hall forum question for Democratic candidates. “Is there any problem you can’t fix with a new or higher tax?” I want a list, please, but I sense it would look like that redacted FDA document—a bunch of blank pages. While true, Dems do believe this; they don’t want to … Read more

Massachusetts Is “Going After Everybody Who Has Money.”

It is unusual for a Democrat or uniparty stooge to say the quiet part out loud, but this isn’t new to Massachusetts. David Ismay, Charlie Baker’s undersecretary for Climate change (can’t be much of a ‘republican’ Gov. if you have one of those – and he wasn’t), said openly that they need to put the … Read more

Could Trump Win Massachusetts in November?

The Democrats must have an oversized amount of whatever passes for faith in their ability to “win” in November because their open-door illegal alien invasion policy is so well past pissing off their own base that Trump winning Massachusetts has to be a consideration.

Night Cap: If It’s Urban Density You Want, Then Move To Massachusetts

Apparently, according to NHGOP “leaders” in the House, the most important issue facing New Hampshire is that there is just not enough urban density. There is a simple solution … Ross Berry, Joe Sweeney, and anyone else who wants to see (and I mean literally see) more apartment complexes can move to Massachusetts.

Red smoke red alert smoke flare

Massachusetts Border Towns Ask New Hampshire for Help

As an abutting neighbor of the Granite State, an owner of rental properties in NH (who would be stupid enough to be a residential LL in MA), and a thoroughly kindred spirit of the “ole Yankee farmers” of NH, I ask you to come to the aid of your brothers in kind south of your … Read more

Maura Healey

Massachusetts ‘Asks’ Residents to House Invading Aliens – How Long ‘Till They Demand it?

The Democrats have created for themselves a problem. The titular head of their party, Joe Biden – tit-head for short – left the door open, and that is beginning to get a cold reception from even the most die-hard rank-and-file lefties. It is one thing to pretend to be for sanctuary, another to have to … Read more

popcorn Photo by David Hurley on Unsplash

Election Fraud Investigations Against Democrats Underway in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey

Election fraud is making headlines in three Democratic states – Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. In Connecticut, the situation took a dramatic turn as allegations of fraud led to a court-ordered new primary election.

Maura Healey

Massachusetts Has a Problem But It’s Bigger Than the Right to Shelter Law

I haven’t read the law, so I can’t say for sure, but I’d bet money that there is no right to shelter in the event of criminal activity or fraud. Illegals, regardless of how they came to you, are not legal, even when you call them migrants.

weed marijuana bud Photo

The Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission is … Out of Control

Would you be surprised to discover that a commission in Massachusetts might have devolved into a vindictive, self-enriching trainwreck with no transparency? Of course not; this is Massachusetts.

Entitled MA Driver Plate 187-D30 Skip

Cloud and Sun – Great and Calming. On the Other Hand: Entitled Massachusetts Driver. MA Plate 187-D30

Yeah, not a fan at all. If you are in or familiar with the Lakes Region, this car was parked in the Shaw’s parking lot across from Lowe’s in Gilford/Laconia. I had driven over from Lowe’s to pick up a couple of items and found this selfish Flatlander believing they could inconvenience people with their … Read more

Maura Healey

Massachusetts Illegal Alien State of Emergency Update: Healey Calls Up the National Guard!

Less than a month ago, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey declared a state of emergency. The problem? Progressive policy met reality on her doorstep: more illegal aliens than she knows what to do with, so they’ve been stuffing them into local shelters, hotels, and motels.

Maura Healey

Massachusetts Has a State of Emergency but It Is Not the One They Think …

When I first moved to New Hampshire 33 years ago – yes, I predate the Free Staters, the “joke” went like this. The Granite State didn’t have many folks on unemployment or welfare because they bussed them to Massachusetts, where the benefits were better.

Sorry … New Hampshire Already Is Massachusetts

The main theme … at least for the time being … of the Kelly Ayotte campaign is that Governor Kelly would stop New Hampshire from becoming Massachusetts. This theme requires us to pretend that New Hampshire isn’t already Massachusetts. For example, it requires us to pretend that New Hampshire does not spend almost as much … Read more

wind farm sunset Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay

Massachusetts and Maine Embrace More Potemkin Energy

Grigory Potemkin is famous for allegedly erecting fake towns that appeared accurate when viewed from a distance. As the new governor of Crimea, he wanted to please his empress (with whom he was intimately engaged). Fast forward about 140 years, and we find ourselves with something similar.

toilet face flush

Massachusetts Helps New Hampshire Widen Its Advantage

Yesterday I mentioned Vermont and its habit of making New Hampshire more desirable but let’s not forget Massachusetts, a leader in advancing the New Hampshire Advantage. Effective January first, it is enforcing a new tax on millionaires that could benefit the Granite State.

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Election Fraud: NH Arrests a Serial Double-Voter From Massachusetts

New Hampshire’s elections have not produced the will of its residents in a very long time. And that’s not a partisan statement. It is simply too easy for people who do not live here to vote in NH. And every now and then, the blind squirrel, stopped clock of justice, finds time to catch a … Read more

EV Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Massachusetts and Vermont Poised to Adopt California’s EV Only Mandate and That’s Bad for New Hampshire

To borrow from Forrest Gump, stupid is as stupid does, but that’s not all there is to say about California’s Vehicle emissions standards or why Vermont and Massachusetts (along with 15 other states) are poised to adopt them and an Electric Vehicle mandate.