More signs of moral decline…

Ever since the sixties, there can be little doubt that America has been heading further away from the cultural and moral foundations that made us a strong people. Every day we read about the latest tragic and disgusting action perpetrated by one person against another. People in positions of responsibility abusing their power with nary a second thought. What was once that inner voice of restraint and decency has disappeared from the lives of many people. What more evidence do we need than the widespread abuse of children- the weakest and most vulnerable members of society.
After the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal broke, I opined that when the authorities were done investigating priests, teachers should be the next object of scrutiny. The shear odds given the amount of contact and influence a teacher by nature must have with students dictates the good possibility of a few "bad apples" within the system.
Hitting close to home here in Gilford, NH, we’ve had the recent guilty plea of a former middle school teacher to sexually assaulting a 14 year old ninth grader. Click here and here for my prior postings about this story.
This week, we learned that in Texas, according to a story by KFDM-TV Channel Six News, police detectives
are investigating allegations that there was a secret sex club at Ozen High School that involved students, alumni and possibly even an employee of the school.
The accuser is coming forward 5 years after she says the assault took place. She claims she was part of a group known as "3K" made up of 9th and 10th grade girls who would perform sexual favors for upper class boys.
The accused employee of the school is a 42 year old in-school suspension supervisor and has coached sports in the past.
In Massachusetts, WBZ News Radio 1030 reported Monday that
A middle school teacher and high school coach pleaded not guilty Monday to charges he repeatedly sexually abused three young boys.
Authorities say he repeatedly raped and assaulted one boy, who is now 21, at his Waltham home over the span of several years in the late 1990s, beginning when the boy was 14. Dacey also is charged with sexually assaulting two other boys, both currently 15, at his home on several dates in 2005. Prosecutors say Dacey met all three boys through his role as their drama teacher or coach.
These stories all represent a sad reflection of where we stand as  a society. Yes, we can increase the punishmments meted out to these people, but what about the underlying cause that allows for this to happen in the first place? The "liberal" society we have become- devoid of God, family, and love of country- doesn’t seem as utopian as many hoped…


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