The Secret to Sustainable One-World Government is …Local Control?

The UN’s Sustainable (everything) Initiatives are several of many globalist one-world-government efforts. Like Climate change, they exist to redistribute wealth (and power) created by evil capitalism while poisoning it’s well. Think Regional Planning Commissions (RPC’s) who are local but think global. They pretend the priorities are yours, but they are actually regional governors imposing global ruling class … Read more

From LA to NH The Educational-Industrial Complex is Driving us to Financial Ruin. Got that, Andru Volinsky?

This is a long post so IF you don’t have the time, scroll down to “SECOND START” and read from there. You’ll get a good analysis of how Andru Volinsky’s march towards a complete State of NH takeover of educational funding will affect you. First, a short snippet about the LA teachers strike to set … Read more

Granite Grok’s Top 20 (Most Commented on) Posts for 2017

The past twelve months have seen a rise in comments overall so a big thank you to everyone who provided content, our readers, and those who responded to what they read (or thought they read) at GraniteGrok this year. And as I’ve done every year since 2012, here are the top 20 most commented posts … Read more

It’s Monday: I’m on the Air at WLMW 90.7 FM at 8:40 am

This will be my last Monday in-studio with Rich Girard but not my last Monday on the program. I’m working on calling-in in future weeks but at a different time so check back for details on that. For today I’ll be poking and prodding recent reporting (and what’s missing from that reporting) on some “privately … Read more


LSR 2017-0950 from State Senator Bette Lasky requests “a general fund appropriation for continued project development for the capital rail corridor.” She wants money for another rail study. We’ve had more of those than I care to count. But Lasky represents Nashua, and Nashua wants someone to pay for another rail study. And Lasky is a Democrat. And … Read more

So Sununu is satisfied with a Socialist entitlement? Government – what can’t it do?

That’s what Democrats think, Chris Sununu.  You see, they have totally rejected the Founding Fathers philosophy that our Liberties are most protected when Government, constrained by our Constitutions, stay within the “negative liberties” – what Government CANNOT DO to you.  The flip side is the old European and Socialist model – Government exists to do … Read more

Elaine Andrews Ahern’s Huge Problem Is The NHDP’s Problem

The Democrat bench in New Hampshire is having a rough year. Three New Hampshire House special elections. Three humiliating defeats. The last two losses to young Republicans, both under the age of twenty, both running on smaller, less intrusive government and tax relief for business owners–the latter a key component of the Republican State budget declared irresponsible by … Read more

To the Left Riots Are A Kind of “Economic” Development Project

Greg Kline from Red Maryland is going to join us tomorrow on GrokTALK! to discuss the Baltimore riots.  I was doing some reading in preparation for that interview and came across an article by another contributor at Red Maryland, Brian Griffiths.  In the course of questioning the city’s failure to address issues of poverty, he … Read more

Meet at Greet With Kevin Avard, Andrew Hemingway, Marilinda Garcia, and Sen. Bob Smith

There is a meet and greet, this Thursday,  July 10th, at  Hollis crossing.  You’ll be able to meet (and greet) Senator Bob Smith, Marilinda Garcia, Andrew Hemingway and State Senate candidate Kevin Avard, who is holding the event/fundraiser. The event is tomorrow from 6:30pm  to 9pm, 146 Bartemus Trail, Hunt Club Clubhouse, Nashua, NH. Please … Read more

Voting a majority of the time with Senate Democrats doesn’t make you the “Anti-Shaheen”, Scott Brown!

Funny, I don’t remember Scott Brown saying this at our meeting:  “I was the most bipartisan senator in the United States Senate.” (Scott Brown on Tuesday, March 18th, 2014 in a meeting with Republicans in Portsmouth, N.H.).  Remember these numbers: 22%, 46%, 62%. Shaheen votes 99% with the Democrats, Brown votes 62% of the time … Read more

Nanny Staters – You don’t NEED to go that fast on Rt 93 (and its unnecessary travel to boot)

After doing GrokTALK! podcast in Concord this morning, I headed north on Route 93 in heading back to the Lakes Region.  Heavy traffic: lots of out of state plates and a bunch of boats and camping trailers being towed.  That said, the overall speed was quite high and then I remembered that the speed limit … Read more

And here is what the CA version of “Granite State Future” is bringing to the Bay Area; we aren’t tin foil hatters after all

We’ve written a lot on the efforts of the nine NH Regional Planning Commissions’ efforts to begin the process regionalization here in NH, using Fed dollars from DOT, EPA, and HUD to rewrite and “Federalize” our local zoning codes.  We are certainly against this as this is nothing but top-down centralized planning where “Professional Planners” … Read more

GrokTV: NHListens / Granite State Future – Intro

Well, after running into Tim Carter at the Meredith (NH) Senior Center for the latest NHListens versioning of what our “collective future” is supposed to be with respect to the Granite State Future collectivist Utopia (after all, once taxes are used to socially engineer our behavior in our living conditions, our living standards, the modes … Read more

Democrats Always Lie About Taxes and Spending

Democrats lie about taxes, spending, and caring about the middle class, and two opportunities to prove that have recently presented themselves. First, Nashua Democrat David Campbell, from whose progressive womb sprang the 15 cent per gallon gas tax, recently remarked in an email to Democrat party leadership that the Democrat gas tax was… …”the gift … Read more

HB617 – Well, ONE Republican is making a big stink about raising the gas tax.

Well, I, Mike, and Steve are all over HB617,  the bill that will raise the gas tax 18 cents over the next four years – and to hammer home the point, we can thank Republicans for greasing the skids to push this through without nary a cross vote.  Well, one NH House Representative has spoken … Read more

NH Executive Council Votes To Explore Boondoggle

The Executive Council, by a vote of 4-1, has approved a 3.7 million dollar feasibility study–all three Democrats and sometime Republican Ray Burton voted to approve the expense. “Expanded rail service to Nashua and beyond has the potential to boost New Hampshire’s economy and create jobs. The only way we can understand the full impact … Read more

The Ideological Left’s Equivalent of a Gold-Digging Trophy-Wife

I’ve been blogging this subject for years because at every opportunity Democrats (and a handful of Republicans) resurrect the notion that running a commuter rail line into and or up through the Nashua-Concord corridor would be good for something. That’s like saying “hey doc just leave the endoscope in my colon, that way the next … Read more

A Model for the Rest of New Hampshire

Tonight, the Rochester City Council voted against joining The Granite State Futures program, which is New Hampshire’s implementation of Barack Obama’s Sustainable Communities Initiative. A few weeks ago, about 50 people (from Rochester and many surrounding communities) showed up at a City Council workshop to voice their opinion against this program, which includes an approximate … Read more

Creeping Enviro-Tyranny…this time in Utah

If you read part-1 of “Following the Trail from Sustainability to Tyranny“, you would have seen a list of “What If?” questions.  The third question reads: “What If you could not grow a vegetable garden without a permit?“.  Some people might say these are pie-in-the-sky questions, or conspiracy notions, simply because they are not necessarily … Read more

“New Hampshire politics just threw a wrench into this,” Heck, I wish it was the final nail…

No, not as in this picture:            This one:   Headline:  Executive council derails rail study Railroads, at least passenger ones, are a waste of time and a waste of taxpayer money.  Face it – the rolling stock is old, the infrastructure sucks, and even in the best place in the country, … Read more