Nanny Staters – You don’t NEED to go that fast on Rt 93 (and its unnecessary travel to boot)


Speed Limit 70 NH Route 93 After doing GrokTALK! podcast in Concord this morning, I headed north on Route 93 in heading back to the Lakes Region.  Heavy traffic: lots of out of state plates and a bunch of boats and camping trailers being towed.  That said, the overall speed was quite high and then I remembered that the speed limit had just been raised from 65 to 70 MPH from Concord northward pretty much up to the border (excluding the Notch).  I would have to say that most folks were in the 70 to 75 mph range.

Then I also remembered what I had read in the Nashua Telegraph as first the Senate approved the higher limit and then again when Gov. Maggie Hassan signed the bill.  Concern for more accidents, more deaths?  Nope, what caught my eye was a crie du coeur from those whose Enviro mindset is that we peons driving at all is “a sin against GAIA” – we should NEVER be allowed to ‘create more pollution’ under any condition:

“…goal should be to increase fuel mileage and reduce unnecessary travel.”

The message?

  • How DARE you even think you should be able go faster!  Why is not your outlook in life to reduce your carbon footprint, sinner?  You don’t need to go that fast (and you don’t need that fast of a car, nor that big Tahoe / Yukon / Suburban….if you just insist on driving, you don’t need anything bigger than a Smart Car (clown car?) and that only around town (Ya notice that implied Liberal Nanny Totalitarian state of mind phrase: you don’t need that?)
  • Anyone going North of Concord is unnecessary travelyou don’t need to go out there and you don’t need to live out there past Concord (the last bastion of Civilization to some?).  If you do, you need to follow the Granite State Future multimodel forms of transportation: walk or bike (it works in the new urban areas we’re going to force upon you).  How DARE you create more CO2 than what we will allow!

Our motto (well, one of them anyways): “Spank’em when they do wrong and thank’em when they do right” – and Maggie did right in signing the bill.  Hey Mario, now that you are following GraniteGrok on Twitter, can you tell Maggie that for us?

Mario Piscatella

BTW, Mario – thanks for following us and anytime you or Maggie want to come on GrokTALK!, just let us know via email at either  Skip or

We’ll behave – I promise!


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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