Democrat Election Law Flashback! (It’s not just Voter Fraud…)

The New Hampshire Dead People party (NHDP) has made voter fraud easy so they could commit it at will while continuing to insist there is none.  And proof is not proof.  Getting a ballot without even a challenge is not an example of how easy it is to ….get a ballot without being challenged. Another … Read more

Rep Leishman Lawsuit Tossed; Pan Am gets Revenge?

Did Pan Am Railway just get some major payback on an ethics challenged State Rep who owns a competing Railroad company? The Nashua Telegraph is reporting that Rep. Peter Leishman (D – Milford-Bennington Railway), recently re-elected to the NH House, just had his lawsuit thrown out by Judge Paul Barbadoro of the U.S. District Court … Read more

“Psst! Hey Buddy. Want to Buy A Train?”

What he meant was that if we added commuter rail “there would be more spending than we could even contemplate at this point.”

Democrats, Trains And HB 218

The Union Leader has a great editorial in this mornings Sunday News titles “Free Trains.” It is great for several reasons the least of which is that it mirrors concerns I have been expressing for years. No matter who pays to build them, someone has to pay to keep them. That would be New Hampshire Taxpayers. Democrats are aghast that the NH House would dissolve the New Hampshire Rail Transit Authority, because hey it doesn’t cost anything.

Ray Buckley’s Norman Rockwell

This morning’s Union leader has the Lasky snatch and grab photo on the front page. Elliot Lasky, (Husband of State Senator Bette Lasky) stands mid stride, stolen campaign property in hand.

Creative Options Wanted

The headline reads (Today’s Union Leader) "Panel Hears Creative Options For Closing Budget Hole." Someone call governor Lynch, the Nashua Telegraph,(Keene Sentinel, etc) and the NHDP–last I heard the democrats and their media friends were claiming we had a "surplus."  Of course the ‘surplus’ was never sold in its proper context–as in, "hey I just … Read more

These kids do have a point…(the sequel)

A Blue Hampshire followup to this saga…  While I agree that Bob should have stopped digging, and should have extended the lessons I explain below, the BlueHampshire comment-squad goes off the rails (again), taking this story away from it’s main point. Some of the commentators try to paint the Tea Party as "holding itself together", … Read more

FIRST Robotics Challenge unveils prelude to this year’s competition

BAE Systems’ Marianne Murphy sends the following regarding this year’s FIRST Robotics Challenge, which we intend to follow here at the ‘Grok. This program is part of the GOOD stuff one finds in education today, as opposed to some of the junk that gets mixed in. We’ll have some students from our local team in … Read more

Thompson Out! Thompson In?

.   This picture reminds me of my 53rd birthday. My husband arranged to have our horses trailered to Lake Michigan from the Rockin’ R Ranch in Bear Lake, MI so we could ride up and down Lake Michigan, in and out of the water; he succeeded in giving me a day of joy that … Read more

What, me worry? For some Republicans, it’s business as usual.

As the dumbstruck Republicans continue their search for someone other than themselves to blame for their poor showing in the recent elections up and down the political food chain, evidence continues to mount that they might never figure it out. Call it "being unable to see the forest for the trees." Let’s review… . In … Read more