Thomas Crown, a former director at Red State, makes it clear why. I counsel you to go read the whole thing (reformatted and emphasis mine):
The Republican Party was founded on the principle that all human beings are possessed of inherent dignity. In some manner or another, for one hundred and fifty years and more, the Democrat Party has denied this fundamental truth, turning to one group after another to demean, dehumanize, and when possible, simply kill. There is a straight line from the men who went to the bloodiest war in our nation’s history to keep men and women in chains, to the men who donned white hoods to terrorize and hang with the implicit cooperation of elected Democrats, to the party that now fights so that a child can be brutally killed at any time from conception to a crowning head and beyond.
…That gift, like the Republican Party’s patrimony, lies in shambles today. The party — my party for thirty-one years and more, from before I could vote to today — has at long last cast aside the pretenses of three decades. We now know it for what it is: A party that believes government should grow (just not too fast!); that opposes government pork for Democrat-favored industries and loves it for Republican-favored ones; and a party that is comfortable with abortion on demand, all the way to the birth canal, just so long as money isn’t diverted from subsidies for Boeing for it.
In today’s hyper-connected world, it is FAR easier to see what the actions are versus what is preached and said. And at the national level, they are being found wanting. The fault is their’s.
…Today’s Republican Party just killed a bill in the House of Representatives that carries the supermajority support of Americans nationwide; that would make it harder for the very worst butchers to hide late-term elective abortions as the result of rapes; and that would spare that tiny number of babies killed after viability and pain perception set in. A fraction, a tiny fraction, of the children killed every year from convenience, from fear, from anger, from misunderstanding, from a thousand different killers of mother and baby, would have lived; and now they will die, because the House Republican caucus suddenly understood that Republicans in the Senate may have to pass this bill, and all of their promises might suddenly matter.
Promises DO matter and more and more, politicians are being held to account. Make a serious major promise, you will be held accountable for it – just ask Frank Guinta. And we will see it and we will dig it up – and we all will know it and how you voted. And remember, the Internet never forgets and its “film” never degrades or wears out.
I have voted Republican since I turned 18 for a number of reasons. I believe a small government is less of a danger to men than a large one, and less of a danger to liberty, as well. I believe that taxes work on income like they work on everything else. I believe the low should be treated as well as the high, and the high as meanly as the low. I believe that men should be free to make choices that harm no one else and to suffer the consequences of those choices. I believe men and women make their own choices, and as adults, they should be held accountable for them. I believe that our society is not a series of atomized tribes fighting for a finite pie, but rather a group bound by birth and by choice into the greatest people God has ever put on this Earth — a people that has accomplished so much good, and can accomplish so much more, even though the sin of Pride is a constant threat.
And the GOP has presented itself as the Protector of all those things. Yet now, instead of those things being their Guiding Lights and Philosophy, they have devolved to be just about “The Win” – and sure, they say the above but make no mistake, The Win has slowly taken precedence over those other items. And then they govern but not by our Foundational Law. And smaller government? Protecting Liberty? Letting people decide over Government? Lesser and lesser do we see the “take or die on this hill” efforts and more of the gum flapping.
But first and foremost, I have voted Republican because I am Catholic. I voted for the Party that still retains my Church’s view of human beings — as all being endowed with inherent dignity by the Act of Creation, a dignity that cannot be put aside merely because it is convenient or even by any act of that human being’s own. I voted Republican because for all of the warts, this was still the party that cared for the weakest and most vulnerable among us.
Or so I deluded myself. No more.
I will never vote Republican again. Not for any reason. Today, the Republican Party stands for dragooning children into an inferior educational system designed to make them good little worker bees; for sending taxpayer dollars to its own clients; for funding Obamacare but promising to undo it Tuesday if you’ll give them a hamburger today; for blessing Executive overreach because hey, President Bush III may want to do some cool stuff, too; for brutally crushing its base at every opportunity; and for helping grow a larger and larger government behemoth that must topple of its own weight some day, so long as its elected members can get a piece of the lobbying pie first.
But most of all, today the Party stands for indifference in the face of a man-made cataclysm of flesh and blood, and for apathy toward good and cooperation with evil.
RedState was founded — waaaaaay back — to promote conservatives in the primary and Republicans in the general, but always, always the pro-lifers. It is now clear, to me, that this is a hopeless cause. What that says about the possibility of peacefully reforming our legalized regime of mass murder, I leave to others. In 2007, I resigned as a Director of this site, in what was once one of the harder decisions I’d made in my life. Today, I know I cannot ever again post here, because I cannot and will not support the Other Party That Protects Abortion on Demand. This is, in its own way, far harder.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Yet, will the Party see, listen, learn, and change their ways? Or will they continue to believe themselves Smart People too? When will the Establishment see that is has become a pale ghost of its beginning when it was willing to risk ALL for the sake of Life – the Liberty of those that were enslaved? Where is that political courage, that political leadership, that political perseverance? Where is that willingness to “take that hill” that it says it believes in? More and more, many keep waiting. And waiting. And waiting.
And now, one less will wait. You have made him not to care. And you can be sure that his departure will cause others to do the same – just as the Republicans today on their vote on the Child Pain bill was Crown’s last straw, his example will be the impetus for others. And given who reads Red State, they were probably activists as well. And now those willing hands will sit on chairs.
All they had to do was do what they said they would. The words they voluntarily said. The actions they said they’d do – and now yanked it. We hear more bad rumors that they will cave on Illegal Alien Amnesty, that they will fund DHS because they are already becoming weak kneed in the heart. They have no stomach for the good fight of fighting for what they say they believe in. But where is the actions to back it up? It IS Boasting when you can’t DO it. And then they will prove themselves, if they won’t fight against, part of which they should and rightly have earned the “Jr. Lackeys of the Welfare State”.
Which if true, they will prove themselves to not be such Smart People and they will learn the hard way – and become the modern day Whigs.