NH House Votes to Expand Medicaid – Here are the Ugly Details

Steve MacDonald

Concord tax assault

By a vote of 207 to 136 the NH House advanced Obama Care Medicaid Expansion legislation that will inevitably lead to a broad-based income or sales tax in the Granite State. We’ve talked about the expansion, the effects, consequences, and costs already, so let’s get down to the votes.

Who, in the NH House, just voted to saddle you with an unnecessary and unsustainable welfare-state expansion–complete with all the Federal strings–that will inevitably lead to a sales or income tax ?

Republicans who voted for Expanded ObamaCare Medicaid.

Azarian, Gary Rockingham 8
Bailey, Brad Grafton 14
Balcom, John Hillsborough 21
Barnes, Arthur Rockingham 8
Belanger, James Hillsborough 27
Bickford, David Strafford 3
Chandler, Gene Carroll 1
Chase, Francis Rockingham 20
Christensen, Chris Hillsborough 21
Christie, Andrew Rockingham 37
Danielson, David Hillsborough 7
Darrow, Stephen Grafton 17
DeSimone, Debra Rockingham 14
Devine, James Rockingham 4
Doucette, Fred Rockingham 8
Elliott, Robert Rockingham 8
Emerick, J. Tracy Rockingham 21
Fesh, Robert Rockingham 6
Fields, Dennis Belknap 4
Flanders, Donald Belknap 3
Fothergill, John Coos 1
Gionet, Edmond Grafton 5
Gonzalez, Carlos Hillsborough 45
Gray, James Strafford 8
Grenier, James Sullivan 7
Griffin, Mary Rockingham 7
Guthrie, Joseph Rockingham 13
Hennessey, Erin Grafton 1
Hinch, Richard Hillsborough 21
Hoelzel, Kathleen Rockingham 3
Infantine, William Hillsborough 13
Katsakiores, Phyllis Rockingham 6
Kidder, David Merrimack 5
Kotowski, Frank Merrimack 24
Lachance, Joseph Hillsborough 8
Ladd, Rick Grafton 4
Laware, Thomas Sullivan 8
Luther, Robert Belknap 3
Matthews, Carolyn Rockingham 3
McCarthy, Peggy Hillsborough 29
McConkey, Mark Carroll 3
McMahon, Charles Rockingham 7
Milz, David Rockingham 6
Mullen, John Strafford 1
Nelson, Bill Carroll 5
Nigrello, Robert Rockingham 16
O’Connor, John Rockingham 6
Parker, Harold Carroll 6
Pierce, David Hillsborough 6
Proulx, Mark Hillsborough 44
Richardson, Herbert Coos 4
Rouillard, Claire Hillsborough 6
Rowe, Robert Hillsborough 22
Schmidt, Stephen Carroll 6
Smith, Steven Sullivan 11
Sterling, Franklin Cheshire 14
Sytek, John Rockingham 8
Takesian, Charlene Hillsborough 37
Tholl, John Coos 5
Tilton, Franklin Belknap 3
Umberger, Karen Carroll 2
Welch, David Rockingham 13
Woitkun, Steven Rockingham 33
Wolf, Terry Hillsborough 7
Wright, Ted Carroll 8


Republicans who voted against Expanded ObamaCare Medicaid.

Abrami, Patrick Rockingham 19
Abramson, Max Rockingham 20
Adams, Christopher Hillsborough 26
Aldrich , Glen Belknap 2
Allen, Mary Rockingham 15
Ammon, Keith Hillsborough 40
Avellani, Lino Carroll 5
Baldasaro, Alfred Rockingham 5
Bates, David Rockingham 7
Beaudoin, Steven Strafford 9
Biggie, Barbara Hillsborough 23
Boehm, Ralph Hillsborough 20
Brewster, Michael Merrimack 21
Brown, Duane Grafton 16
Burt, John Hillsborough 39
Byron, Frank Hillsborough 20
Chirichiello, Brian Rockingham 6
Christiansen, Lars Hillsborough 37
Christie, Rick Hillsborough 6
Coffey, James Hillsborough 25
Comeau, Ed Carroll 5
Cook, Allen Rockingham 11
Cordelli, Glenn Carroll 4
Dean-Bailey, Yvonne Rockingham 32
DeLemus, Susan Strafford 11
Donovan, Daniel Hillsborough 2
Duarte, Joe Rockingham 2
Dumais, Russell Belknap 2
Eastman, Eric Hillsborough 28
Edelblut, Frank Hillsborough 38
Estevez, Eric Hillsborough 37
Ferrante, Beverly Rockingham 6
Ferreira, Elizabeth Hillsborough 28
Flanagan, Jack Hillsborough 26
Fraser, Valerie Belknap 1
French, Harold Merrimack 2
Fromuth, Bart Hillsborough 7
Gagne, Larry Hillsborough 13
Gallagher, Brian Belknap 4
Gannon, William Rockingham 4
Gordon, Richard Rockingham 35
Gould, Linda Hillsborough 7
Graham, Robert Strafford 1
Green, Dennis Rockingham 13
Griffin, Barbara Hillsborough 6
Groen, Warren Strafford 10
Haefner, Robert Hillsborough 37
Hagan, Joseph Rockingham 4
Halstead, Carolyn Hillsborough 23
Hannon, Joseph Strafford 25
Hansen, Peter Hillsborough 22
Harris, Jeffrey Rockingham 9
Hill, Gregory Merrimack 3
Hodgdon, Bruce Rockingham 1
Hoell, J.R. Merrimack 23
Hogan, Edith Hillsborough 34
Hopper, Gary Hillsborough 2
Horn, Werner Merrimack 2
Howard, Jr., Raymond Belknap 8
Hull, Robert Grafton 9
Hunt, John Cheshire 11
Ingbretson, Paul Grafton 15
Introne, Robert Rockingham 5
Itse, Daniel Rockingham 10
Johnson, Eric Grafton 7
Jones, Laura Strafford 24
Kaczynski, Jr., Thomas Strafford 22
Kappler, Lawrence Rockingham 3
Kolodziej, Walter Rockingham 7
Kuch, Bill Merrimack 23
Kurk, Neal Hillsborough 2
LeBreche, Shari Belknap 6
Leeman, Don Strafford 23
Marple, Richard Merrimack 24
Martin, John Merrimack 23
McCarthy, Frank Carroll 2
McClarren, Donald Hillsborough 29
McConnell, James Cheshire 12
McGuire, Carol Merrimack 29
McGuire, Dan Merrimack 21
McKinney, Betsy Rockingham 5
McLean, Mark Hillsborough 15
Moore, Josh Hillsborough 21
Murotake, David Hillsborough 32
Murphy, Keith Hillsborough 7
Notter, Jeanine Hillsborough 21
O’Brien, William Hillsborough 5
Ober, Lynne Hillsborough 37
Ober, Russell Hillsborough 37
Ohm, Bill Hillsborough 36
Osborne, Jason Rockingham 4
Packard, Sherman Rockingham 5
Parison, James Hillsborough 25
Pellegrino, Anthony Hillsborough 21
Peterson, Ken Hillsborough 7
Pitre, Joseph Strafford 2
Potucek, John Rockingham 6
Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Rockingham 6
Rappaport, Laurence Coos 1
Rice, Frederick Rockingham 21
Rice, Kimberly Hillsborough 37
Rideout, Leon Coos 7
Rollins, Skip Sullivan 6
Schleien, Eric Hillsborough 37
Schroadter, Adam Rockingham 17
Scontsas, Lisa Hillsborough 30
Seaworth, Brian Merrimack 20
Seidel, Carl Hillsborough 28
Shackett, Jeffrey Grafton 9
Simmons, Tammy Hillsborough 17
Smith, Gregory Hillsborough 37
Souza, Kathleen Hillsborough 43
Spanos, Peter Belknap 3
Spillane, James Rockingham 2
Stepanek, Stephen Hillsborough 22
Straight, Phillip Hillsborough 21
Sullivan, Victoria Hillsborough 16
Sweeney, Joe Rockingham 8
Sylvia, Michael Belknap 6
Tamburello, Daniel Rockingham 5
Thomas, Douglas Rockingham 5
Tilton, Rio Rockingham 20
True, Chris Rockingham 4
Tucker, Pamela Rockingham 23
Turcotte, Leonard Strafford 4
Ulery, Jordan Hillsborough 37
Vadney, Herbert Belknap 2
Varney, Peter Belknap 5
Vose, Michael Rockingham 9
Walsh, Thomas Merrimack 24
Ward, Joanne Rockingham 19
Webb, James Rockingham 6
Weyler, Kenneth Rockingham 13
Whitehouse, Joshua Strafford 2
Wuelper, Kurt Strafford 3
Zaricki, Nick Hillsborough 6


Republicans who did not vote or were excused.

Barry, Richard Hillsborough 21 Excused
Belanger, Ronald Rockingham 8 Not Voting
Bridge, Ernest Sullivan 6 Not Voting
Bush, Carol Rockingham 31 Excused
Cardon, G. Thomas Rockingham 6 Not Voting
Cheney, Catherine Strafford 17 Excused
Comtois, Guy Belknap 7 Excused
Crawford, Karel Carroll 4 Not Voting
Emerson, Susan Cheshire 11 Excused
Fisher, Robert Belknap 9 Excused
Friel, William Rockingham 14 Excused
Gargasz, Carolyn Hillsborough 27 Excused
Goulette, William Hillsborough 23 Excused
Hess, David Merrimack 24 Excused
Hurt, George Belknap 2 Excused
Kellogg, Shem Rockingham 14 Excused
Knowles, Robert Strafford 12 Excused
LeBrun, Donald Hillsborough 32 Not Voting
Long, Douglas Merrimack 4 Not Voting
Lundgren, David Rockingham 5 Not Voting
Major, Norman Rockingham 14 Excused
Manning, John Rockingham 8 Not Voting
Marston, Dick Hillsborough 19 Excused
Martel, Andre Hillsborough 44 Not Voting
Oligny, Jeffrey Rockingham 34 Excused
Palmer, Barry Hillsborough 32 Not Voting
Parent, Jason Merrimack 26 Not Voting
Peckham, Michele Rockingham 22 Not Voting
Priestley, Anne Rockingham 8 Excused
Russell, David Belknap 5 Excused
Sanborn, Laurie Hillsborough 41 Excused
Sanders, Elisabeth Rockingham 12 Excused
Silva, Peter Hillsborough 35 Not Voting
Sweeney, Shawn Hillsborough 23 Not Voting
Tasker, Kyle Rockingham 2 Not Voting
Twombly, Timothy Hillsborough 34 Excused


Democrats who did not vote or were excused.

Caroletta, Alicia Democrat Merrimack 8
Bartlett, Christy Democrat Merrimack 19
Bennett, Travis Democrat Grafton 8
Bouldin, Amanda Democrat Hillsborough 12
Brown, Chris Democrat Grafton 12
DiSilvestro, Linda Democrat Hillsborough 9
Forest, Armand Democrat Hillsborough 18
Gardner, Janice Democrat Strafford 15
Katsiantonis, Thomas Democrat Hillsborough 15
McNamara, Richard Democrat Hillsborough 38
Moody, Marcia Democrat Rockingham 17
O’Neil, William Democrat Hillsborough 9
Parkhurst, Henry Democrat Cheshire 13
Roberts, Carol Democrat Hillsborough 4
Rokas, Ted Democrat Hillsborough 12
Rollo, Deanna Democrat Strafford 18
Walsh, Robert Democrat Hillsborough 11
Wheeler, Deborah Democrat Merrimack 3
White, Andrew Democrat Grafton 13


Democrats who voted for Expanded ObamaCare Medicaid. (Not one Democrat voted no, by the way)

Abbott, Michael Democrat Cheshire 1
Abel, Richard Democrat Grafton 13
Almy, Susan Democrat Grafton 13
Ames, Richard Democrat Cheshire 9
Baber, William Democrat Strafford 14
Backus, Robert Democrat Hillsborough 19
Baroody, Benjamin Democrat Hillsborough 43
Beaulieu, Jane Democrat Hillsborough 45
Berch, Paul Democrat Cheshire 1
Berrien, Skip Democrat Rockingham 18
Berube, Roger Democrat Strafford 18
Bixby, Peter Democrat Strafford 17
Booras, Efstathia Democrat Hillsborough 33
Borden, David Democrat Rockingham 24
Bordenet, John Democrat Cheshire 5
Bradley, Paula Democrat Merrimack 18
Brown, Pamela Democrat Hillsborough 31
Brown, Rebecca Democrat Grafton 2
Buco, Thomas Democrat Carroll 2
Burton, Wayne Democrat Strafford 6
Butler, Edward Democrat Carroll 7
Cahill, Michael Democrat Rockingham 17
Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Democrat Rockingham 30
Carson, Clyde Democrat Merrimack 7
Chase, Cynthia Democrat Cheshire 8
Cilley, Jacalyn Democrat Strafford 4
Cloutier, John Democrat Sullivan 10
Cohen, Alan Democrat Hillsborough 30
Converse, Larry Democrat Sullivan 4
Cooney, Mary Democrat Grafton 8
Cornell, Patricia Democrat Hillsborough 18
Cote, David Democrat Hillsborough 31
Cushing, Robert Democrat Rockingham 21
Deloge, Helen Democrat Merrimack 16
DiFranco, Debbie Democrat Rockingham 27
DiSesa, Len Democrat Strafford 16
Doherty, David Democrat Merrimack 20
Eaton, Daniel Democrat Cheshire 3
Ebel, Karen Democrat Merrimack 5
Edwards, Elizabeth Democrat Hillsborough 11
Ford, Susan Democrat Grafton 3
Francese, Paula Democrat Rockingham 18
Frazer, June Democrat Merrimack 13
Freitas, Mary Democrat Hillsborough 14
French, Barbara Democrat Merrimack 6
Froburg, Alethea Democrat Coos 3
Gagnon, Raymond Democrat Sullivan 5
Gidge, Kenneth Democrat Hillsborough 33
Gile, Mary Democrat Merrimack 27
Goley, Jeffrey Democrat Hillsborough 8
Gordon, Pamela Democrat Rockingham 29
Gorman, Mary Democrat Hillsborough 31
Gottling, Suzanne Democrat Sullivan 2
Guerette, C. Lee Democrat Hillsborough 33
Hansberry, Daniel Democrat Hillsborough 35
Harvey, Suzanne Democrat Hillsborough 29
Hatch, William Democrat Coos 6
Heath, Mary Democrat Hillsborough 14
Heffron, Frank Democrat Rockingham 18
Henle, Paul Democrat Merrimack 12
Hennessey, Martha Democrat Grafton 12
Herbert, Christopher Democrat Hillsborough 43
Higgins, Patricia Democrat Grafton 12
Hirsch, Geoffrey Democrat Merrimack 6
Horrigan, Timothy Democrat Strafford 6
Irwin, Virginia Democrat Sullivan 9
Jack, Martin Democrat Hillsborough 36
Jeudy, Jean Democrat Hillsborough 10
Johnsen, Gladys Democrat Cheshire 7
Kaen, Naida Democrat Strafford 5
Karrick, David Democrat Merrimack 25
Kenison, Linda Democrat Merrimack 15
Leishman, Peter Democrat Hillsborough 24
Ley, Douglas Democrat Cheshire 9
Long, Patrick Democrat Hillsborough 10
Lovejoy, Patricia Democrat Rockingham 36
Luneau, David Democrat Merrimack 10
MacKay, James Democrat Merrimack 14
Maes, Kevin Democrat Grafton 6
Mangipudi, Latha Democrat Hillsborough 35
Manley, Jonathan Democrat Hillsborough 3
Mann, John Democrat Cheshire 2
Massimilla, Linda Democrat Grafton 1
McBeath, Rebecca Democrat Rockingham 26
Moffett, Howard Democrat Merrimack 9
Moynihan, Wayne Democrat Coos 2
Myler, Mel Democrat Merrimack 10
Nordgren, Sharon Democrat Grafton 12
O’Brien, Michael Democrat Hillsborough 36
O’Hearne, Andrew Democrat Sullivan 3
Oxenham, Lee Democrat Sullivan 1
Pantelakos, Laura Democrat Rockingham 25
Patten, Dick Democrat Merrimack 17
Pearson, William Democrat Cheshire 4
Phillips, Larry Democrat Cheshire 16
Piper, Wendy Democrat Grafton 10
Porter, Marjorie Democrat Hillsborough 1
Ratzki, Mario Democrat Merrimack 1
Rice, Chip Democrat Merrimack 27
Roberts, Kris Democrat Cheshire 16
Robertson, Timothy Democrat Cheshire 6
Rogers, Katherine Democrat Merrimack 28
Rosenwald, Cindy Democrat Hillsborough 30
Sad, Tara Democrat Cheshire 1
Saunderson, George Democrat Merrimack 9
Schmidt, Andrew Democrat Sullivan 1
Schmidt, Peter Democrat Strafford 19
Schuett, Dianne Democrat Merrimack 20
Shattuck, Gilman Democrat Hillsborough 1
Shaw, Barbara Democrat Hillsborough 16
Shepardson, Marjorie Democrat Cheshire 10
Sherman, Thomas Democrat Rockingham 24
Shurtleff, Stephen Democrat Merrimack 11
Simpson, Alexis Democrat Rockingham 18
Smith, Marjorie Democrat Strafford 6
Smith, Suzanne Democrat Grafton 8
Smith, Timothy Democrat Hillsborough 17
Snow, Kendall Democrat Hillsborough 42
Soucy, Timothy Democrat Hillsborough 34
Southworth, Thomas Democrat Strafford 20
Spang, Judith Democrat Strafford 6
Sprague, Dale Democrat Strafford 18
Stevens, Audrey Democrat Strafford 7
Sullivan, Daniel Democrat Hillsborough 42
Sykes, George Democrat Grafton 13
Tatro, Bruce Democrat Cheshire 15
Theberge, Robert Democrat Coos 3
Thomas, Yvonne Democrat Coos 3
Ticehurst, Susan Democrat Carroll 3
Tilton, Benjamin Democrat Cheshire 12
Townsend, Charles Democrat Grafton 11
Treleaven, Susan Democrat Strafford 17
Turcotte, Alan Democrat Merrimack 22
Vann, Ivy Democrat Hillsborough 24
Verschueren, James Democrat Strafford 13
Wall, Janet Democrat Strafford 6
Wallner, Mary Jane Democrat Merrimack 10
Ward, Gerald Democrat Rockingham 28
Ward, Kenneth Democrat Strafford 21
Weber, Lucy Democrat Cheshire 1
Williams, Kermit Democrat Hillsborough 4
Woodbury, David Democrat Hillsborough 5


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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