Progressives: you have NO right to be left alone – ever. EVAH!

by Skip

NH State Senator Kathy Sgambati (D-Tilton): “Everybody in the chamber respects personal freedoms and individual rights…[BUT] We’re also trying to ensure that all citizens in the state have the protection they need. It’s unclear to me how you can possibly have all the benefits of coverage without everyone being under the tent.

You will participate in all you do, according the Sgambati.  Progressives are constitutionally unable to leave others alone – they have to “save” everyone.  Thus, this was the headline that caught my eye over at RedState:

The Obama administration wishes to wreck your quiet enjoyment of March Madness.

…but it might surprise you that neither is this really about Obamacare, either. After all, the deadline’s in two weeks; there is really no way that the Obama administration can boost the final sign-up numbers for Obamacare to something approximating the original target goals. So why are they trying? Well, they are trying because this administration has never wanted any of us to have private spaces in our lives, anywhere. Everything must be political; nothing may be free of subtext. If it’s not political, it’s superfluous to their needs. So anywhere that the administration can intrude, they will intrude.

The political is personal, the personal IS political – the Progressive Mantra.  As Cicero said “You may not be interested in politics but be sure, politics IS interested in you.  Progressives take that to the next level; they are the Peeping Toms of politics. 

This is unreasonable. This is also an increasingly common tactic found among the Left, sure, but it is no less obnoxious for all that. And this is not a tactic that its Leftist adherents wish to abandon, either. My RedState colleague and friend Erick Erickson has a saying about same-sex marriage*: you will be made to care. You don’t get to be a neutral, you don’t get to opt out of this, and they will blame you for your wanting to be left alone. Wrecking your quiet enjoyment of a formerly-nonpolitical element of life is a meritorious act to a certain class of activist, and they will not voluntarily give up that rush of self-righteous advocacy.

The Founders original definition of Freedom was to be free from Government intrusion – a right to be left the heck alone.  Now, Progressive Democrats will talk about privacy on one side of their mouths (like uber-Progressive US Senator Diane Feinstein now wanting to regulate drones because she saw one outside her window when protesters were outside her door) but then increasingly pass legislation that puts Government in control of yet another facet of our lives.  This is why they demonize TEA Partiers and Libertarians who really believe in limited government which, by definition, lives within its own space and dares not to intrude where it should not go.  The Progressive political theology DEMANDS that everyone is “all in” and thus their fervor and ease of attacking those that stand against them – people like me are seen as apostate even as they are of an opposing sect to that of the Framers.  And if you are an apostate, you are The Other – and therefore, cleared for destruction and / or absorbtion by the political equivalent of the Borg

So, Obama and his minions see political opportunity to make March Madness the perfect political stage on which to take a bunch of college basketball games and turn them into a pitch to make more people hooked on Obamacare (and being a younger audience, suck their overpriced Obamacare premiums to redistribute to others). They also see this as an exercise in desensitization – the more they do and see they get away with it, the less likely they know someone will complain later.  A constant level of coercion – simply because people can’t be allowed to live life the way they want to…

…because that would mean that Progressives would NEVER be able to enter into their Heaven on Earth and we can’t be allowed to stop that, can we?

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