Coincidence? Obama Media Collectively Grinding the Stand Your Ground Axe

Gun Rights prevent rapeWhat a coincidence.  Jury decision.  Holder is marched out to says the words “Stand Your Ground,” my own NH AG gives it the old liberal Amen, and the very next day the Obama Media has begun collectively grinding the stand your ground axe like it was some progressive Gregorian chant.

And look! Democrat Dick Durbin is calling for hearings on SYG…

A nifty medley from Andrew Johnson at the Corner of our media collectively deciding what social justice now requires after the Zimmerman verdict. (Dick Durbin announced just this morning that he’ll be holding a Senate hearing on “stand your ground” laws, on the theory, I guess, that state legislatures are somehow incapable of doing so themselves.) Anyway: Is it true, as many supporters of the verdict have claimed, that “Stand Your Ground” had nothing to do with the outcome of the trial? Well, yes. And no. But also yes.

No.  The decisions to sensationalize that particular tragedy was never about the lefts mission to argue against  stand your ground as another anti-self defense wedge issue.  (sarcasm)

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