NH GOP Delegate and Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert Arrested and Charged with Simple Assault

by Skip

Once again, Douglas Lambert has fallen off the Political High Wire Act that has always been his downfall.  His hubris has caused him to believe, again (like the Ray Buckley incident) that he was politically invulnerable and impervious to any reaction.  He needs to RESIGN NOW from being an NH GOP Delegate and his Commissioner office.  There should be no impropriety from those that are elected representatives.

What will the NH GOP Chair Steve Stepanek and Executive Director Elliot Gault do about that first title and what are the two other Gunstock Area Commissioners, Wood and Conroy (who seem to be “pro-feminists” in outlook), going to do about the second?  After all, the Simple Assault, a Criminal Misdemeanor, was committed against a female during the October Belknap County Republican Committee and caught on three GraniteGrok cameras:

There was enough in this video for the Gilford Police to take note and file a report.  Yesterday, Douglas Lambert was arrested, booked, and charges brought by the Gilford Police Department.

Doug Lambert arrest mug shot Gilford Police Dept

There was also sufficient evidence in the video that a Judge has taken this charge to the next step in the process. I was to have the charges already but Life intruded.

The hearing is tomorrow at the Belknap County Superior Court (Court Street, Laconia) at 11am for an additional restraining order by the victim to keep Lambert away from her. Again, the Judge thought that there was sufficient merit to have scheduled a hearing rather than simply throwing the whole thing out of court.

That was the standing by Lambert – that it was a simple misunderstanding and that there was nothing there in the below video and it all should have been dismissed.  After reading the charges, I’ll be doing a more complete fisking of his own words in the video below versus what the charges hold later.  Certainly, there was enough there “there” such that Douglas Lambert was stripped of his Belknap County Republican Committee General Membership status by the General Members at the November BCRC Meeting by a vote of 23 to 13 (3 abstentions):

And yes, the charge is public record – the Gilford Police Log:

Gilford Police Department                    Page: 1
Dispatch Log From: 11/08/2022 Thru: 11/08/2022 0000 – 2359 Printed: 11/09/2022

For Date: 11/08/2022 – Tuesday
Time         Call              Reason


1050                                  Service of Paperwork
Location/Address:         FARMER DR

Oh, and let’s not forget that Douglas tried to intimidate me back in August to silence me in all this foolferol concerning Gunstock by accusing me of stealing his wife’s identity and pointing his bony finger in telling his lawyer that I’m a great suspect:

I do wonder if his wife still doesn’t know that he sent this to me? In any case, I’ve not heard from Lambert nor his lawyer about this “issue”. Nor did Lambert ever forward that “threatening” voice mail he alleges that I sent. My promise still stands – send it and I’ll post it no matter if it makes me look good or bad. Frankly, I don’t think there is one that makes him look better than I or he would have sent it already.

I am planning on being that hearing with cameras and if he decided to have me called to the stand, I’ll show the judge that text as to “temperment, intent, and motive” on my phone.

Speaking of his vaunted “the bony finger” imagery that he is oft wanting to do verbally, I just have to include it in this post as it was wagged in my face after he was kicked out of the meeting:

Lambert Dont Arrest Me Bony finger meme GraniteGrok

Dang, how did those words get in there?


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