Gunstock – And This Is What Happened to Former Commissioner Peter Ness and Continuing with Dr. Strang

by Skip

To paraphrase/plagiarize (see image below):

Gary Kiedaisch/Brian Beihl, Power Mongers:  “It is not enough to simply beat Ness and Strang.  They must be destroyed thoroughly.  Their kind must not rise again.”

What was it that the former Gunstock Area Commissioners’  team feared so much about them both?

…They were/are the existential threat.

When your business involves gaining personal wealth by selling out the Belknap County residents, Ness and Strang’s investigations are bad for business.

Just like the TEA Party movement and the Free State Project that both adhere to a limited Government philosophy where people become more self-sufficient and self-reliant, that independence is BAD for Democrats.  Why?

This outlook is anathema to large Government Socialists/Democrats who REQUIRE people to be dependent upon government in order to have their Power base.

In the case of Kiedaisch and Company, they required destroying those Commissioners and NH State Reps that are asking the hard questions that have resulted in two investigations being started to track down possible malfeasance.  Kiedaisch’s defense?

UNLEASH THE GINNED UP MOB (as a smoke screen)!  Decimating the Conservative Republicans in the County is just a bonus.

I guess I shouldn’t using the below tweet- instead of a warning, Doug and Jade might think it a how-to manual.

“Extremists” is their chosen word for those they see as the Enemy in regaining their Power on the Gunstock Area Commission but other Progressives are back to using “Nazi!!!” and “Fascists!

(H/T: Conservative Treehouse):

David-Plouffe-1 Trump must be destroyed thouroughly

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