NH GOP Delegate / Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert Arrested and Charged with Simple Assault – Paperwork Part 2

by Skip

“Be the Barry Goldwater who hounded Nixon out of office – make Dr. Strang Douglas Lambert resign his GAC Commissionership!

Yes, I fixed it for Lambert. Karma, if you believe in such, always seems to circle ’round.  And in this case, his own words. This was the mantra he (and Jade Wood, Commissioner and NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair; I guess she takes her verbal cues from Baby Huey) used on both Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang earlier this year. That was the line that Lambert used on Dr. Strang in trying to whip up “his” crowd once again to accomplish his political goal – simply to remove anyone that stood in his way to being the Chair of the Gunstock Area Commission.  Go ahead, change my mind – it will be hard to do based on the results and his bullying behavior at the meetings. Remember, over at the GraniteGrok YouTube channel, I have video receipts.

Lambert abused that line as history tells us that Nixon when President, indeed, oversaw a really bad political event.  To date, however, he is YET to provide any proof at all of ANY misbehavior on their part. Even the PretiFlaherty Law firm report found no malfeasance – not even a hint about Ness or Strang. Neither of them did anything wrong except to ask hard and uncomfortable questions as WAS THEIR JOB. Lambert and Wood decided to censor them instead.  Shows that Establishment Republicans are oft not to be trusted, eh?  Elections are coming up, Jade…

But I digress.  The last post (“NH GOP Delegate / Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert Arrested and Charged with Simple Assault – Paperwork Part 1“)  went over the arresting records for Douglas Lambert. Next are some of the court records that have been filed so far. This post has the Stalking Petition that was filed against Douglas Lambert

(Hover over the page and the Navigation bar will appear)

Stalking Petition 2022-11-07 Golter v Lambert Laconia District Court

The first three pages are court-supplied forms. However, there is an additional two handwritten pages also attached to this providing a LOT of additional information concerning this incident of simple assault.


Yes, Douglas, you need to resign. AND you need to apologize to her for your boorish behavior. The same, after almost an entire year to Ness and Strang. It’s one thing to treat another man badly but treating a woman even worse just shows that you’re lower than a bully. While you remain innocent until proven guilty in a legal sense, IMHO, you are guilty. The BCRC General Members believed that your abysmal behavior deserved to have your membership revoked. Not only by your actions but also your demeanor while doing it – showing the intent that you believed you were imperviable to anyone.

  • So it isn’t just me – I only put a Big Flashlight on your actions and your words
  • So it isn’t just the Belknap County Republican Committee Executive Committee – if they didn’t believe that something was there, this process would have stopped right there
  • So it isn’t just the Gilford Police personnel (I don’t know who watched the video or read the victim’s statement) – if they didn’t believe that something was there, this process would have stopped right there

And now it has reached the Judiciary.

The next post will see what the Court thought of this document.


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