Letter to the Editor in Rebuttal of “Anonymous”

Recently, Granite Grok published an opinion piece entitled “Something Smells Like Rotten Fish.” I agree: the rotten fish is the anonymous author. My name is David Goethel. I am a semi-retired commercial fisherman with over fifty-five years’ experience and the author of the book Endangered Species, which describes my life as a small boat fisherman in New Hampshire. I am also a dues-paying member of the New Hampshire Commercial Fishermen’s Association.

The author states Erik Anderson supports offshore wind and selectively quotes from the electronic newsletter to support his belief. Nothing could be further from the truth, and reading anonymous’ comments, I feel like I am in a “through the looking glass” moment. The author has apparently never attended a BOEM public hearing. I have, numerous times. Hell no, we won’t go is not considered by BOEM to be valid public comment. Erik always starts each statement with a preference for no offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine(GOM) but then modifies the comment by citing scientific papers or verifiable charts of where fishermen fish.

Our comments have been successful as BOEM repeatedly references our use of science as they have shrunk the call area from over 140 million acres to a little over one million. Remember, we are up against the full force and weight of the federal government, which has been ordered by President Biden to get these areas leased before the next election. Erik’s comments in the newsletter were to people like Anonymous, who have steadfastly refused to engage in the process and are now enraged that leasing is about to commence. As Erik points out, the next possible remedy will be through the courts. Unless someone has spare three-quarters of a million dollars lying around, do not expect equal access under the law.

Next, anonymous states there are hundreds of members paying fifty dollars per year dues. That, too, is false; there are 47 dues-paying members, but the attack does not stop there. Anonymous then selectively cites information from the newsletter to imply fiscal impropriety. The facts are that the corporation was dissolved to save money. The chief expenses are dues to the Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA), which has paid legal experts and biologists to represent fishermen nationwide in their uphill battle against OSW. The association also provides funds from collected dues to pay for educational scholarships for sons and daughters of commercial fishermen attending institutions of higher learning. On advice from an accountant many years ago, the association maintains di minimus status with the IRS because we handle so little money.

Not content to just liable Mr. Anderson, anonymous moves on to attempt to smear candidate for Governor Kelly Ayotte. Perhaps Anonymous is a political operative for another campaign? What I do know is there is lots of inference but no fire. I also know I have worked with Kelly Ayotte when she was a senator. She visited fishermen in both Seabrook and Portsmouth and acted on their concerns in Washington. She also held a field hearing about NOAA Fisheries in Portsmouth, saving fishermen the considerable cost of flying to Washington to testify. During those hearings, I found her knowledgeable on fishing subjects, highly intelligent, and decisive. Her grilling of a NOAA Regional Administrator at a hearing at which I testified was memorable. I believe she will be an excellent governor and support the organization’s endorsement.

Finally, anonymous drags suspended Port Authority Director Geno Marconi onto the web, stating without offering any proof that he was suspended because he opposed offshore wind. The waterfront has been buzzing with gossip since the suspension occurred, and Erik, along with numerous others, is listed as the supposed cause of the suspension. Gossip is an unfortunate occurrence in small towns. The only fact we know is that the matter was briefed to the Pease Developments Authority Board by the Attorney General’s Office in a closed session. That body issued a statement saying Mr. Marconi was suspended with pay over a ‘civil matter’. Anyone who tells you anything else is spreading venal gossip and showing their own ignorance.

Erik Anderson donates well over 1000 hours of his time annually to the association so that active fishermen can stay fishing. He covers legislative hearings in Concord, Fish and Game Commission hearings wherever they occur, ASMFC public hearings, as well as NOAA Fisheries hearings. He is not reimbursed one dime, including gasoline, for that coverage. How many of these meetings has anonymous attended?

As an author, I am loath to request Anonymous’s post be taken down. After all, freedom of speech is one of the cornerstones of our democracy. But the First Amendment has limits. One of those is the tenant that you cannot make knowingly false statements that libel another. I do believe, at the very least, that editors should request Anonymous identify themselves so the public can judge the motives for the article.

I am proud to sign my name to this document. I have attached a full copy of Erik’s May 8, 2024 newsletter so readers can see the whole story for themselves.

David T. Goethel
F/V Ellen Diane Too
Hampton, NH

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