As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over. And yes there will be a Friday edition too.
Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
What madness drives parents to do this to their kids? The only thing I can think of is the attention the parents get…
Nope. Just like most people are, increasingly, finding they don’t OWN things in all domains. (Remember the meme, a post or so ago, of the HP printer that turned off, and finally they learned HP had turned it off because the debit card was declined? I buy something, I expect it to be MINE.)
Do recall that while drugs may still be MADE in America, increasingly their precursors come from overseas. Antibiotics in particular, from China. A lot of vitamin feedstocks too.
China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine
I resemble that remark.
How about… NO. Not trusting you, ever again.
I’m sure she had family, so I’m sorry for them. But I’d call this EVOLUTION IN ACTION.
But… but… but that’s not possible, all the blue-check verified good Socialists reply. Our Marxist college professors assured us we’re building paradise on earth!
Exactly right. If it’s not happening, why object to making it illegal?
I’ve been in situations where I’m CC and the people around me are just oh-so-liberal about how icky guns are, and how violent and dangerous all gun owners are, and I can’t help but think that if I – having a gun on me – were a fraction as dangerous as they claim, they’d all be dead by now.
“The Truth points to itself.”
— Vorlon proverb
So here’s the question. Either or, I think.
EITHER… this is a crack in the matrix that lets us see their plans, accidentally, giving us a Providence-driven chance to act before the gates slam shut (see Australia going cashless more and more… a contact in Israel says the same push is happening there… and when we were visiting my wife’s family last summer, a heck of a lot of places just didn’t take cash at all – so either their domestic payment card, or my America-based card. Even at the markets for food, etc., while they accepted cash it definitely seemed to be an oddity.).
OR… this is a set-up, attempting to trigger a bank run that then “justifies” their desired crack down.
Is there a third possibility that I’m missing?
Regardless, MHO is that a crackdown on cash, and all assets, is coming – and sooner than you think. Related:
Is the Biden Administration Trying To Destroy the Dollar? | The Heritage Foundation
Short answer? Yes.
Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):
Biden Plans Radical Expansion Of Two National Monuments (
The 1906 law (link included):
The 1906 law, however, requires that the area preserved must be “the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected.”
OMG. Rutting is more important than anything else. As Mark Steyn said, the future belongs to those who show up. And reproduce. This does not appear to be westerners.
canceled doctor Big Pharma so spicy so juicy can’t miss it | Blaze Media (
They want to kill you – Here’s how they’ll do it – The Expose (
Kind of long, mostly about euthanasia. And as it talked about the expense of care, particularly for the elderly, this came to mind – applies to both the old and quite young.
Is this idea about the origin of the Wuhan virus too off the wall? – Bookworm Room
Remember, in socialist societies, an individual’s worth is measured, not by being a unique person made in the image of God, but by that person’s utility to the state. If you’re no longer useful and, worse, if are an economic drain on society, you’ve got to go.
The Disappearing Male | Marc De Guerre (
Chemicals, chemicals, chemicals. In our foods, in our water, in our soaps and other things.
I am not a starry-eyed Trump boy. Increasingly, while I do admire his results overall, I see him as the least-worst option. But certainly, MHO is that if he can get in, we have a chance. If he’s stopped, America and the West are truly done.
Shared post – Trantifa member gets no prison time over Ohio pregnancy center attack (
And this is how people lose faith in the system. This is intentional. Remember the goal: chaos, uncertainty, lack of faith in the system… and then, when things get bad enough, they can swoop in and offer the “benevolent hand” of One World Socialism as the cure.
If Hashem doesn’t flame the world soon, then He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
Is it possible this is actually a real sign? Seriously???
All fuel, not just gasoline. And that will affect everything else too – because all goods require fuel to be delivered. It’s a multiplier effect.
You think they’ll really stop with Israel??? DEATH TO AMERICA in Dearborn sound familiar?
That’s actually a damned good question. Symbols and in-your-face victim mocking? That does seem to be a pattern.
Christian population growth under Israel, and shrinkage under the Arabs.
What’s that quote, to the effect that if election day was a week after tax day, elections would be very different?
Can we hide housing illegals in Dem pols’ homes too? “Surprise, pro-migrant idiot, here are your illegals for you to house and feed”!
I’m not saying that it’s impossible to become a multi-millionaire legitimately these days, but I’m increasingly believing that anyone who does nowadays is doing so by less than savory means.
The threat of team relocation is what does it.
Pick of the Post:
Every time I think it’s impossible for them to go lower, they haul out a jackhammer and proceed to dig.
Palate cleansers:
It’s always something. Every time I think I’m finally stable and set, we get hit with something.
As someone who started programming in BASIC+, I can relate.
Come back on Friday for more memes. Same meme time. Same meme channel.