Hey, Eric Holder? Now here is a REAL discrimination suit your DOJ should file!

by Skip

Saudi Arabian ArlinesWith the verdict of the George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin trial igniting a sense of rage (fanned by the usual race-baiting suspects who scream “RAACISTS!” even at a simple cross eyed face), Eric Holder (the most politicized US Attorney General EVAH!) has waded in and announced “Thank you, State of Florida – we’ll take it from here”.  I’m no lawyer but after reading and watching legal folks from both sides of the aisle, it would seem to be a Mt. Everest type legal climb to file, persecute prosecute, and win a conviction of civil rights violation (and climbing two Mt. Everest to gain a criminal civil rights conviction).

However – here’s a gimme!  An outright example of religious AND racial discrimination!  Not only that – they’ve got HUGE pockets full of dollars!  Petro-dollars, that is:

Saudi Arabian Airlines reportedly is discriminating against Israeli citizens by refusing to let them fly from U.S. airports.

The New York Post reported that for customers booking on online, the airline’s website has no drop-down menu options for anyone holding an Israeli passport, even though, as the Post pointed out, there is a drop-down menu option for Antarctica citizens. The airline appears to prevent passengers simply looking to transfer in Saudi Arabia to another country, as well.

“No city in the world has closer ties to Israel than we do, and yet Israeli citizens are being discriminated against right here at JFK. It’s not only illegal; it’s an affront to who we are,” said public advocate, and mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio, who conducted a recent telephone sting on the Mideast nation’s airline.

When a member of de Blasio called the airline –trying to book a ticket from JFK to Mumbai, India — identifying themselves as an Israeli passport holder, the caller was told by an agent that they would not be able to fly.

“Since you have Israeli nationality, you will not be allowed to go on Saudi Airlines,” the agent said, after consulting a supervisor.

Federal law says an “air carrier or foreign air carrier may not subject a person in air transportation to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or ancestry.

FoxNews.com has reached out to Saudi Arabian Airlines seeking comment and has not gotten a response.

Fox reached out to the wrong folks – but I have not seen any comment from the Obama Administration on this either – for racial, ancestry, orreligious discrimination on US soil (or all three!)  Given this time of anxiety about discrimination, as Obama says, “these are not our values”.  So Eric, when are you going to have the Department of Justice investigate this undeniable hate crime?  What are you going to do about this example of Muslim hatred of Jews and Israelis conducted in this country?  You have to admit – the bias is undeniable!

(H/T: Fox News )

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