GrokTALK! for 7/20/2013 – and everything must come to an end…Segment 4

by Skip

GrokTALK! logo smallSusan, Mike and Father Christian Tudor, and Jeff Chidester continue on with Skip’s questioning (a patient lot, them!):

  • Donuts!
  • With all the recent “Obamacare “setbacks”, why is he still succeeding with Obamacare?  How?
  • Self-reliance vs dependency?
  • What is the Democratic Plantation?
  • Does the MSM “report” on society, or prides itself on “shaping” or “making it better”?

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Questions!  I had lots of questions that went unanswered – most because they didn’t have the time to be asked:

The Corner: Is it treasonous to keep fighting Obamacare as it was democratically passed, the Supremes blessed it and that now that it is almost time for it to start?  Shouldn’t the Right just let it go?


Instapundit: QUITE SOME TIME AGO, I PREDICTED THAT THE WORSE OBAMA DID AS PRESIDENT, THE BLACKER HE WOULD CHOOSE TO APPEAR. So, now: Obama: ‘Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me 35 Years Ago.’  From being his son to being himself – who is Obama trying to skewer, demonize, or slander?


Today is National Ice Cream Day?  For us, every Saturday is Chili Dog Day – at Puppy Love down the street.  What flavor do you hate?  Waffle, sugar, or plain?  Sprinkles?


Is there ANY sense of double jepoardy if successfully higher levels of Govt continue to haul someone into court (e.g., George Zimmerman absolved at the State level and DOJ putting a hold on him)?

“At what point do we let an American citizen get done with the justice process?” Thor asked. “I mean this is a big deal, this could happen to anybody. If the government can keep hounding you, this guy’s life is ruined at this point. I know we have a dead child here but he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Trayvon Martin wasn’t on trial, George Zimmerman was, and he’s not guilty…at what point does he get to recommence his life?”


NO LABELS group put forth some decent ideas.  Except one.  But which NH DC pols joined?


As a response to the Trayvon Martin case and Florida’s stand your ground law Jessie Jackson is calling for a boycott of the state:

“No doubt, the inclination is to boycott Florida, stop conventions, to isolate Florida as a kind of apartheid state…

Is he right or wrong, or just flogging an issue again?  what is the content of HIS character?


Obama during his presser on Friday:  I think its going to be important for all of us to do some soul searching.  There has been talk about should we convene a conversation on race? I haven’t seen that particularly productive.

Gee, why is that?


William Welkens is the Chief Counsel of the IRS – one of the only two political appointees in the IRS.  He supposedly orchestrated the TEA Party / Conservative group targeting.


Tiny Home movement (75 – 300 sq ft) – could you live in such?


Does Chris Matthews speak for all of us white people in this room?  Are you “white guilty”?
Is it wrong of me to wish for MORE “White Privilege” because I’m not the CEO of a multi-national multi-billionaire corporation?  Or President?


Montana: Liz Cheney vs US Senator Enzi (R)?  Liz is WRONG for not waiting “for her turn”, isn’t she, to primary Enzi?  Or is she?


Who do we make those in govt more accountable for what they have done?


With all of this, will the public care?  Will TEA Partiers rise up?


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