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More Harm Than Good – Pfizer Knew The Vaccine Would Make COVID Worse

Compiled by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA), this presentation is…excellent. It’s a slide deck (below and here in pdf) that explores not a conspiracy or anti-vaccine rhetoric but Pfizers own trial data. Let me repeat. Pfizer’s data inform us of the unusually high risks associated with their vaccine.

Dem Party Chair Ray Buckley’s Failed Virtue Signaling Pretends it has Moral Authority

Corey Lewandowski will be featured at an upcoming Steve Negron fundraiser. This was, apparently, too much for Democrat State Party Chair Ray Buckley: “It shows how far the Republican party has fallen that Corey Lewandowski is considered one of their big-ticket headliners. Steve Negron should cancel this fundraiser and denounce Lewandowski’s heinous comments and every … Read more

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Pine Tree Ramblings Vol 11

File under “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” (although I should change this to “Leftism is a Mental Disorder” since “Liberal” just seems too nice and flowy). It’s time again for Ray Buckley’s appeal to New Hampshire Democrats to buy tickets to their annual fundraising dinner (nice GIF, Buckles). That’s not really a story worth telling – but the … Read more

Democrat Coos County Vice Chair Resigns over Woodburn Scandal

If you don’t remember the name Ted Bosen, he’s the guy in some of the north country Democrat email threads I shared (here) who was offended by the way “The Party” treated an alleged victim of domestic abuse. That and the Democrat establishment wagon circling around State Sen. Jeff Woodburn, arrested on 9 counts of domestic abuse, … Read more

Where the Celebrity Money In Politics Is…As If You Didn’t Know

One of the best sources for large dollar Political Donation history is   I use it often, as regular readers may have noticed, but one of the features I have not used is the ability to look at large lists of Celebrities, Executives, Politicians, Media people, and see their contributions and party preferences. The donation … Read more

The Left’s War On Women cont…

With the delicate, caring, touch that prominent Democrat donors are known for, Alec Baldwin – #Occupy supporter and spokes-hypcorite for the 5th largest bank in the US–a man with an estimated net worth of $65 million dollars, had some kind words for a female reporter looking to get a quote from Baldwin’s recently announced fiance’. … Read more

Let’s Get Serious

Yesterday, I posted my response to the left’s exploitation of the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona.  I also showed a number of photos of anti-Bush protestors holding signs with messages of hate and death on them.  This is something that happened over and over again during President Bush’s two terms – with little … Read more

Where in The World is Jeff Woodburn?

Jeff Woddburn’s arrest on nine counts of Domestic violence, he’s been laying low. So low that reposts suggest he has not been to any meetings or events (so we shouldn’t expect to see him at this one). There are few if any signs (literally) indicating he is running for public office even though he has refused … Read more