More Harm Than Good – Pfizer Knew The Vaccine Would Make COVID Worse

Compiled by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA), this presentation is…excellent. It’s a slide deck (below and here in pdf) that explores not a conspiracy or anti-vaccine rhetoric but Pfizers own trial data. Let me repeat. Pfizer’s data inform us of the unusually high risks associated with their vaccine.

These are risks that Pfizer, Fauci, Biden Inc, your local health care “experts,” the media, most of the Democrat party, and far too many Republicans have been downplaying, ignoring, or contradicting.

The entire process from beginning to end is FUBAR but people continue to press for more vaccination even though it’s not safe enough or effective enough.

So, the CCCA is operating from a simple premise. Doctors, public health officials, and states should first do no harm.


CCCA Do No Harm Screen grab


Alec Baldwin was negligent when he shot someone dead by mistake. These people are not just deliberately pushing something that’s dangerous and potentially fatal with limited upside, they are smearing anyone who dares to question the product or their motives.


CCCA Do No Harm Screen grab 6 month evidence of harm

This report is excellent, and it needs to get in front of more people.


CCCA Do No Harm Screen inc risk of disease

They have known all along that these vaccines enhance the virus. Make it worse than it might otherwise have been. And look at what has happened. We’re seeing more COVID and more COVID-related death with the vaccine than without.

It’s an inconvenient truth supported by Pfizers own data and people need to know this.

We reported on Antibody Dependent Advancement (ADE) back in early August when the summertime case spike was growing. That was before we knew that Pfizer knew. That the FDA (presumably, the CDC and NIH) knew.

Back when they were blaming the unvaccinated for what was clearly a known outcome. An outcome whose “cure” we are told is more of the same vaccine? Yup!

Sure, you might get branded or banned for sharing Pfizers data care of the CCCCA. Facebook will tell you it’s missing context (by which they mean the approved media lie). Twitter might give you the boot.

But we should share it anyway. Everywhere. But before you do that, take a few minutes to review it. Most of our readers won’t be surprised by you may find this is one of the better presentations out there.

The subject matter is very approachable.

Check it out, and then share it.


More Harm than good
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