The Flu Versus Freedom.

Democrat Rule – Rights for “Me” Few or None for “Thee”

Liberal Privilege has many faces, but they all look the same. They are right, and you are wrong. Their science beats your science. Their observations are ‘News,’ and yours are conspiracy theories or lies. Truth is Hate Speech. And when it comes to COVID, everyone gives up their rights except their protesters.


CDC and NIH Spent $2.87 Million to Study Why Lesbians are Obese

The Coronavirus response “issues” the average lazy “journalist” might try to lay at the feet of Donald Trump are not Trump-related. They are thanks to agencies like the CDC and NIH who, in case you are curious, have been focused on other pressing “health” matters. Like why Lesbians are obese.

Differing Views on How to Approach Dealing with the Coronavirus

Most people have had enough of lockdown. Many people have lost their jobs, livelihood, and a way to pay their bills. More still fear for the suspension of their civil liberties. It defies logic to think the economy simply restarts where it left off before politicians shut it down. But how many of us know … Read more

Enhancing our political immune system

Consider the COVID-19 virus.  Or any virus, really.  But not what it does.  Rather, how it works.  Very briefly, it works by exploiting a general-purpose mechanism that your cells use to build the proteins that make up and operate your body.

The Collective vs The Individual – Vaccination and….seatbelts?

Another Sunday talking head show snippit from Meet The Press back on 2/8.  The topic in that round table was that of vaccines – is it up to the Individual, the parents, that get to decide for their children whether or not to get vaccinations?  Or is it something that Government decides, period?  At what … Read more

Dr. Betsy McCaughey nails Supreme Court Justice Kagan

Bravo (or do I have to be PC / Spanish correct and go Brava?)!  ‘Grok friend Betsy McCaughey is one of our favorites – former Lt. Gov. of New York, Constitutional Scholar, and one of the nation’s premier experts on Obamacare.  She goes all around the country on speaking engagements, is on the radio, a … Read more

From the Edge of Sequestration – Mopping Up Another Obama Lie

Obama lies a lot, or…he is about as well informed as Carol Shea-Porter. Obama: “Starting tomorrow, everybody here, cleaning the floors at the Capitol. They’re going to have less pay. The janitors, the security guards. They just got a pay cut. They’ve got to figure out how to manage that. That’s real.” Architect of the … Read more

A little bit of commentary on tonite’s FOX / Google debate

OK, here’s what the Groksters tweeted out! #GROK, #NHGOP, #TEAPARTY Let’s get ready to RUMMMMMMBBBBBLLLLEEEE! #GROK #googledebate #TEAPARTY Let’s see how many questions come from the moderators vs online #GROK #googledebate #TEAPARTY Q1 – what will these folks do to give me confidence to hire? #GROK #googledebate #TEAPARTY Perry – have govt reduce complexity and … Read more