..Pat Hynes Skip Murphy Doug Lambert
Once again, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration. As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip (the GraniteGrok media empire’s secret weapon), if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)
Weekend Pundit’s Chan Eddy drops in to co-host with the gang for today’s broadcast. He’ll give us an update on the FairPoint/ Verizon sale.
Another feel-good busybody program that wastes money better than anything else it does (Laconia Main Street Program) is in for a change in ‘business as usual’ as its founder and chief water-carrier quits in the face of sudden demands for control and accountability by those still left handing them dough.
Newfound teachers’ contract defeated by the voters! Don’t they know it’s for the children?!
Michael Brady of the Majority Accountability Project (MAP) checks in with the latest on our (sigh) congresswoman Carol Shea Porter. We’ll talk about the Dems’ latest war funding bill, Shea-Porter being AWOL on S-Chip, her latest mailing to constituents and a campaign funding update. You’ll never guess where CSP is getting bucks from now… And, what about those earmarks?
Theodora Blanchfieldis the associate editor ofCampaigns & Elections magazine. They featured GraniteGrok in their October issue in a section reporting on which blogs to watch during the campaign cycle. (Click hereand go to page S-4 S-5) Theodora will discuss blog & other new media and the role they play in today’s political campaigns. We’ll also look at how activists are also using the new media to connect with people. Does all of this make for strange bedfellows as we see new alliances made up of those who would have been in conflict in an earlier era? -
We’ll review the latest in the fiasco that is the NHDOT. Does anybody think the trooper/highway enforcement feud will benefit motorists? Not to worry if it’s costing us money, though, because our illustrious Executive Councilor, Ray Burton ("Republican") is once again calling for an increase to the gas tax. WILL SOMEONE TELL THIS GUY TO BLOW IT OUT HIS ASS, PLEASE? (Whew, I feel a little better!)
Burton- This man wants to raise the price of gas!
John Hawkins of RightWingNews, Conservative Grapevine, Townhall.com, and formerly working for the Duncan Hunter campaign (John is, like our Pat Hynes, a man of many hats) joins us once again this week. We’ll debate the benefits/pitfalls if Rudy Giuliani wins the GOP nod. We’ll take a snapshot of where things currently stand among the candidates. We’ll discuss John’s latest TownHall article that asks if being married to Bill Clinton qualifies someone to be president. John finishes up with his take on this week’s Democratic debate.
Socialism. Is it here? One cannot deny a creeping expansion of the nanny state towards cradle and grave. Can it be stopped? Hell, in our town, parents are incapable, apparently, of raising their children without the helping hands of the schools, the plethora of activities by the library (baby yoga, anyone?), a variety of outside agencies, etc. Heck, Gilford residents now need the Parks & Rec Dept. to enable ski trips to a mountain right here in our very town and Red Sox baseball game tickets! Will there be an end? What happens when a society coddled as ours is becoming suddenly has to rely on themselves? (New Orleans during Katrina comes to mind)