Senator John E. Sununu has an important message about the Internet we have been asked to share. If you are reading this, you should care. Says Senator Sununu:
“The Clock Is Ticking, Placing Internet Tax Freedom In Real Jeopardy. This National And Global Communication Network And The Economy That Surrounds It Deserves The Certainty Of A Permanent Ban To Ensure That Resources And Sustainable Business Plans Can Be Put Into Action. Taxing The Information Superhighway Is Short-Sighted Policy That Will Discourage Innovation, Slow Broadband Deployment, And Raise Prices For Consumers.”
On November 1st 2007 – six short days from now – the 1998 law that has kept the internet free from taxation is set to expire.
New Hampshire’s Senator John E. Sununu is leading the fight in Congress to make the internet tax ban permanent. This week he introduced an amendment that would make the current internet tax moratorium PERMANENT. An expert on technology policy, Senator Sununu has been at the forefront of this issue, having worked on similar bills and introduced the “Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act of 2007” at the start of the 110th Congress.
Meanwhile, Democrats in Washington are fighting to keep the door to internet taxes alive. They are supporting vague and temporary measures that could leave the internet open forms of taxation that were previously prohibited. Taxes on internet access, taxes on email services, taxes on internet purchases…
Senator Sununu’s amendment could come to a vote on the floor of the Senate as early as this morning. Let’s settle this one for good! If you agree that the ban on internet taxes should be permanent, then Senator Sununu needs to hear a message of support from you!
Join us in signing this petition to tell John Sununu, “I Support Keeping the Internet Tax Free.”
Act now! Time is running out.
[UPDATE] While you may have heard that a vote indeed was taken last evening on this, Steve Demaura of the NH GOP informs us that
It is not over until Nov 1. They have already voted on a number of the Democrats’ measures which are only temporary bans with loop holes. The Sununu permanent ban will come to the floor for an up or down vote either today or Monday. If that fails they still have one more shot to re-introduce it under rule 14…there is still hope!
[UPDATE # 2] Statement from NHGOP:
Thanks to the hard work of New Hampshire’s own Senator John Sununu, the ban on internet taxes that was set to expire next week will be extended. Reaching a compromise yesterday, Senator Sununu was able to help secure a seven year moratorium on internet access taxes..Seven years is a great start, but not a permanent solution. The fight is not over! Democrats in Washington are fighting to keep the door to future internet taxes open. They continue to support vague half measures that could leave the internet open forms of taxation that were previously prohibited. Taxes on internet access, taxes on email services, taxes on internet purchases….An expert on technology policy, Senator Sununu has been at the forefront of this issue, having led the fight for a permanent ban on internet access taxes in the Senate. The original author of the “Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act of 2007” Senator Sununu has articulated clearly why the eventual passage of a permanent internet tax ban is critical.Join us in thanking Senator Sununu for his hard work on this issue and to support his call for a permanent ban on internet taxes! If you agree that the internet should stay tax free, then Senator Sununu needs to hear a message of support from you!Join us in signing this petition to tell John Sununu, “I Support Keeping the Internet Tax Free.”