Democrats for Life: Dems Should Reject Abortion Extremism

Democrats For Life Of America today sent a strong message to the Joe Biden campaign and Democratic Party through a full page ad in the New York Times, challenging the party’s extreme drift on abortion.

The full page ad includes a letter to the Democratic National Committee signed by more than 100 current and former elected Democrats urging Joe Biden and the Party to moderate its position on abortion.
CLICK HERE to see the full page ad printed in the New York Times. CLICK HERE to read the letter, which was first sent to the Democratic National Committee ahead of its Convention in August.
A statement from Kristen Day, Executive Director of the Democrats for Life organization.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party lost to Donald Trump because they failed to take moderate and pro-life voters seriously. Our Party has traditionally been very tolerant and welcoming of diverse views, yet it has pushed away Americans who are with us on many issues, but share a strong conviction on abortion. If the Democratic Party cares about defeating President Trump in November, it should reject abortion extremism and actively embrace America’s 21 million pro-life Democrats, or else many of them will simply stay home.

It’s not too late for Joe Biden and our Party. Democrats could be more tolerant and welcoming of diverse voters by moderating on taxpayer funding of abortion and the Hyde Amendment, distancing itself from late-term abortion, and supporting abortion regulations that at least keep it safe for the woman.

The elected Democrat letter’s signatories include:
  • Four governors and lieutenant governors , including the current governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards
  • Nine current or former Members of Congress, including U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN)
  • 57 state legislators, including Rep. Deborah Fellela, Deputy Majority Leader in Rhode Island; and Katrina Jackson, State Senator in Louisiana
  • 33 local officials
  • Six Democratic nominees
According to the last national Gallup Poll on abortion (2019), nearly 30% of Democratic voters, and 44% of Independent voters identify as pro-life. According to a January Marist Poll, about two-thirds (65%) of all Americans, including 44% of Democrats, say they “are more likely to vote for” candidates who would limit abortion to at most the first three months of pregnancy.



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