Camp Constituion Screen Grab

The Bill of Rights: The Only Good Part of the Constitution

The Bill of Rights turns 232 years old today. Adopted in 1791 as a consolation prize for the Anti-Federalists,  it has been perhaps the most important part of American legal history since the eighteenth century and has served as an inconvenient reminder of the laissez-faire libertarian philosophy that permeated American political theory in the late 18th century.

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Camp Constitution Founding painting

The Founders and the Constitution: Introduction

This series of essays focuses on those American Founders who exercised the most influence on the original Constitution as amended by the Bill of Rights. Each essay thumbnails the life and contributions of at least one individual. The essays also will tell you more about “the supreme Law of the Land.”

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Convention of States

Now, More Than Ever, We The People And COS

You do not have to watch the news for long to realize we have lost control of our government, and some may say we have lost our way. We have a former President who has a significant lead in the polls against all challengers and head-to-head against Biden.

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Baby gate

The Basic Idea Behind a Constitution

When you have kids, you start looking around for all the harmful things they might do by accident, like stick a finger in a socket, drink cleaning fluids from under the sink, climb out a second-story window, fall down some stairs, or drown in a toilet, and so on.

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Sir Isaac Newton Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

The Ideas That Formed the Constitution: Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton wasn’t a political thinker like Marcus Cicero or John Locke. He was a scientist. Indeed, he exemplified the Scientific Revolution—an event that changed not only how people thought about the physical universe, but also how they thought about politics and government.

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Privacy please

Privacy vs. Security

Since well before we eagerly leaped into the world of high technology, we gave very little thought to the possibility that someday we would find ourselves at a perilous fork in the road as a society, culture, and country.

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James Madison

Article V Misrepresentation

Lobbyist Ken Quinn failed, once again, to convince State legislators to call for a Constitutional Convention. Instead of realizing he has a losing argument, he blames legislators for not voting the way his polls predicted they should on HCR 1 & HCR 4.

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US Constitution Article V

Power to the Patriots: NH Files to Adopt Convention of States

NH Resolution 2023-0275, sponsored by JD Bernardy (Rockingham District 16), brings the resolution to adopt New Hampshire as the 20th state to move toward a Convention of States (COS). Bernardy, husband, and father of three, is a veteran of the United States Navy and a graduate of Franklin Pierce Law Center. The resolution has been … Read more

US Constitution FI

The Constitution; Lost in Plain Sight

The Constitution has been interpreted to create two types of citizens, each requiring their own courts. State citizens have District and Circuit courts of the United States. Citizens of the Federal government have United States District courts and the United States courts of Appeal. Everyone thinks that they are a State citizen when, in fact, they are Federal citizens who do not enjoy the Bill of Rights, or most Common Law rights.

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constitution book

The Constitution isn’t Absolute?

Arguing that “high-caliber” weapons should be federally banned, President Joe Biden claimed, “Remember, the Constitution was never absolute.” Biden was merely advancing the popular notion of a “living breathing Constitution.” According to proponents of this theory, the founders “couldn’t have imagined” all of the changes that would happen over time, such as the development of high-powered, … Read more

UN United Nations Logo

Global Pandemic Treaty Must Be Stopped

Americans ought to ask why the Biden Administration is moving to amend International Health Regulations (IHR) to give global unaccountable bureaucrats authority to license the Center for Disease Control to justify detaining American citizens?

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