Spotlight of Positivity: Rep Shane Sirois

I’ve written plenty of pieces trashing bad reps, but what about recognizing some good ones?  I think it’s a good idea, but most of us already know the most distinguished ones.  I praise them “as a group,” in the same way the Patriots requested their Superbowl introduction be done after the opponent’s “chosen ones” were … Read more

The Clear Winner Is Trump – The Melt Down of the Left Is Glorious.

I watched the debate and was stunned at how bad Joe is. I’m not surprised. What does surprise me is that his handlers that know how bad he is thought this was all a good idea.
That they did this shows how nuts these people are. Their lack of awareness and good judgement. No wonder the world is on fire right now.

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Candidate Announcement: Edmond Laplante – Running for Governor of NH

George Washington once warned about the dangers of a two-party system. As I pondered whether to run, my choice seemed clear. Both sides seemed to have trampled on the Constitution, forgetting about the true meaning of Government: to PROTECT the people, not rule them or punish them for their political views or religious beliefs.

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NH state house dome

Ross Berry

Knowing how much Ed Mosca loves Rooss Berry, I thought I would share with you the following recounting of events from a member of the House of why Berry is no longer a state representative:

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603 Alliance Logo Large

Sign Up Now – FREE Training for Republican Candidates for the NH House

If you’re thinking about running for State Rep, we encourage you to attend one of our upcoming candidate training sessions.  These trainings are FREE, and advance registration is required.  We’re offering three separate options this year:

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Ann Kuster - Defend Abortion Rights Rally

Someone’s Been Disabling Inconvenient Links on Ann Kuster’s Wikipedia Page

I was forwarded the below statement on Rep. Annie Kuster’s “retirement” by a journalist who had been investigating the framing of Justin Fairfax, who was “MeToo’d” in Virginia.

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603 Alliance Logo Large

Interested in Running for Office?

Once again, we’re approaching the filing period for candidates to many elected offices, including State Representative. If you have ever considered running, we urge you to learn more and consider throwing your hat in the ring.

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Where Is Justice for Harmony Montgomery? Another Failure of PD & DCYF. Why?

Adam Montgomery was found guilty on all charges of murdering his daughter, Harmony Montgomery. Some have praised this as justice. There are others who must face trial as well for their own abhorrent failures. Making mistakes is one thing, hiding them is another.

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Too Much Crime: Change the Definition of “Crime”

I saw a clip of a new MSNBC special, which aired on February 11th, called Black Men in America: Road to 2024, with Trymaine Lee, Charles Coleman Martin Jr., and Al Sharpton, to name a few. In this clip, these men stood around a pool table and discussed crime and how the black man is made into a criminal by the establishment’s (the implication being white folks’) deliberate defining of crime to include behaviors that are part of the “black culture.”

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Smuggling and illegal immigration

We Must Stop the Destruction of Western Progress and Culture

The mass immigration of 3rd world country populations into Western countries currently happening across the world has to stop and must be reversed.
Case in point: Reportedly, the most popular first name in the UK right now for baby boys is Mohamad, and the world is supposed to celebrate this in the name of diversity and all the “advantages” it supposedly brings.

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HB-1175: Another Attempt to Repair SB2

To set the stage: Town meetings are dominated by the people who receive, benefit from or massage taxpayer loot. The “official ballot referendum town meeting” or SB2 procedure took away from town meetings the power to make final budget decisions for the upcoming year.

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Lily for Congress

Lily Tang Williams Statement Supporting Texas Governor Greg Abbott

President Biden and his Administration have left Americans and our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented illegal immigration pouring across the Southern border. Instead of upholding the rule of law and securing the border, the Biden Administration attacked and sued Texas for stepping up to protect US citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering our country.

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Dear Kim Jong Un, Happy 40th birthday! Happy New Year! Are you on Facebook?

I’ve been meaning to thank you for introducing the word “Dotard” into our vernacular. Having never heard the word before, I now find that it has so many applications.

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Ron Desantis Struggles With Unrewarded Excellence

A perfect record, the governor predicted, would guarantee a chance to compete for greatness, inspiring his 5-year-old son to take a Sharpie in hand earlier this year, stand on his tiptoes, and lovingly graffiti the front of the DeSantis campaign bus.

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Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a time for reflection, gratitude, and kindness. Let us take a moment to appreciate the blessings in our lives, the love that surrounds us, and the beauty of this festive season.

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NYTimes Tried To Blame Men For One Woman’s Sad Life. But It Doesn’t Add Up

There is a stark difference between the way the Left and Right talk about love, marriage, and children. While neither side is going to agree the other is correct, progressives are so blinded by their hatred for the right they seem incapable of understanding who we are talking to when we preach about reclaiming femininity and motherly virtues.

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NH Executive Council Rejects Abortion Subsidies

(Concord, NH Nov 29, 2023) New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL) applauds the decision of the NH Executive Council to reject Title X contracts that would have subsidized abortions. Today’s decision ensures that taxpayer dollars and the conscience of pro-life citizens are protected.

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Gavel law books courts

Why Did Gordon MacDonald Not Recuse Himself?

The New Hampshire Supreme Court has just heard the appeal of Rep. Jon Stone regarding his request to keep private the records of police misconduct when he was a police officer. Gordon MacDonald and Barbara Hantz Marconi heard the oral arguments.

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Urge Gov. Chris Sununu and DHHS to Immediately End All Activities Surrounding the COVID-19 Vaccine and Children

To Gov. Christopher Sununu and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services; We, the undersigned, understand that children are at no significant risk from SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19). We, the undersigned, understand that no medical intervention is without risk.

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American Flag

If You Do All These Things, It Will Be I Who Thanks You for Your Service

As a marine veteran, with a Johnny Unitus haircut, when people thank me for my service, I usually reply, “It’s the least I could do for a Country that afforded my father and grandfather the opportunity to succeed and flourish. ”

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