Someone’s Been Disabling Inconvenient Links on Ann Kuster’s Wikipedia Page

I was forwarded the below statement on Rep. Annie Kuster’s “retirement” by a journalist who had been investigating the framing of Justin Fairfax, who was “MeToo’d” in Virginia.

At the same time, it is now becoming apparent that Charlotte Bennett, one of former NY Andrew Cuomo’s accusers, is also a fraud who has a history as “Sally Smith,” a false accuser at Hamilton College who got successfully sued by a John Doe that was framed by her and other mean girls.

Rep. Annie Kuster spent a fair amount of the last 12 years pretending to be pro-women, standing up for “survivors,” claiming to be a “survivor” herself. It was always a lie.  Political propaganda always relies on short-term memories. Before Kuster announced she was not going to run for re-election, someone spent a fair amount of time disabling inconvenient links to articles on her Wikipedia Page. Among these were articles about her work as a lobbyist for Rohypnol and statements she had made after women begged for it to be made into a class-A drug because they had been gang-raped under its influence.  She discredited their testimony because she was trying to keep the contracts and revenue for the drug maker which was paying her handsomely for her lobby efforts.

Another article that had its link disabled was one about Rep. Annie Kuster as an “Angel” lawyer in adoption cases.  Kids in New Hampshire end up being adopted after being put in foster care. They end up in foster care after DCYF removes them from their parents without due process – something that has come to light in the most recent hearings held by a committee convened as a result of the decades of failures by DCYF.

There are records and testimonies of parents who have had their children taken from them, never to see them again. Parents who have paid into child support only to find out that the State never gave the child support to the other parent to look after the children because the State didn’t bother to go looking for the children.  Rep. Annie Kuster had a nice business between pharmaceutical lobbying and adoption law.  Let’s not forget that New Hampshire is one of the worst states in the nation for drugging kids in care with opioids and similar.

For all the money Kuster made in private practice as a lawyer, she couldn’t find the time or resources to pay her property taxes on time. Had she not run for Congress in 2012, one wonders if she would have gotten away with it for longer.

It wasn’t until 2014 that Rep. Annie Kuster decided she was going to stand up for campus sexual assault survivors. Why? Because there was a ton of money to be had under the Violence Against Women Act and Susan Carbon, who’d been on Governor John Lynch’s Domestic Violence Commission, had been appointed by Obama to oversee a handout from the Department of Justice Office of Violence Against Women. Hundreds of millions of dollars were there on offer. All you had to do was create an excuse to get them. Create “survivors”.

Thus, Kuster stood up on the house floor in September 2016 to declare Chessy Prout “a survivor”. She took her to Capitol Hill in January 2017. Chessy Prout showed her a documentary about sexual assault in school called “Audrie & Daisy,” which aired on Netflix and was sponsored by PAVE, for which Chessy was an “ambassador.”

She took Chessy Prout to UNH in April 2017. She wrote the introduction to Chessy’s book in March 2018 and that book was promoted by Dan Hill – A Government Affairs PR representative whose company boasts the use of stealth and special ops tactics to secure Government Contracts.  The book compared Owen Labrie, a scholarship student at St Paul’s School who should have gone to Harvard on a full ride, to an “Al Qaeda terrorist” and “Donald Trump.”  It was all sensationalist and absurd political propaganda.

Kuster was nearly caught out in July 2019 by ABC/GMA who interviewed Owen Labrie. He was finally going to have the chance to speak for himself on national TV with Amy Robach, who flew with a team to Burlington, Vermont, to interview him on July 15, 2019.  A copy of the program was sent to the Prout family representatives for comment. The program never aired because Dem Caucus Rep Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV launched a social media campaign called #SurvivorsOverRatings to block it, and her pal Rep. Annie Kuster had her office contact ABC/GMA to block it from airing.

What was at stake, apart from the exposure of corruption in which Rep. Annie Kuster had been complicit? $14 million to be sucked out of Dartmouth College, of which $2.865 million was on the line to go to the NHCADSV to pour into new lobbies to support the Every Voice Matters coalition, which is part of Its On Us and thus part of Civic Nation.

Yes, the Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth suit (filed by the same attorneys who sued St. Paul’s School in the wake of NH v Owen Labrie) was in mediation when the ABC/GMA interview would have aired. Kuster had come out swinging to support Rapuano & Does against Dartmouth.  Times Up had put up the PR money for the plaintiffs. The Concord Monitor had covered it in favor of the plaintiffs and the settlement. Who didn’t cover the suicide of Professor David Bucci, who’d been smeared in the suit but denied the right to speak for himself? The Concord Monitor. The same paper that seems to be looking after Congresswoman Ann Kuster and Councilwoman Amanda Grady Sexton by disabling or deleting links that are now inconvenient to them on these matters.

DCCC Chair Statement on the Retirement of Rep. Annie Kuster

Today, DCCC Chair Suzan DelBene released the following statement upon the announcement that Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) will not seek re-election:

“Annie Kuster has been a tireless champion for the people of New Hampshire. During her time in Congress and as chair of the New Democrat Coalition, she’s been a beacon for common-sense solutions to create good jobs, fight the opioid epidemic, and expand access to mental health care. She’s a leading voice in Congress for survivors of sexual assault – fighting for legislation to support them and ensure that collectively our nation continues to have the important conversations that center the fight for the safety and wellbeing of survivors. 

“Her record of public service and delivering for New Hampshire is unmatched. I am constantly in awe of and inspired by her courage and will miss her as a colleague and friend. With her help, I’m confident that this seat will remain in Democratic hands so that Granite Staters can continue having a fighter for them in Congress.” 

For Immediate Release: March 27, 2024
CONTACT: Viet Shelton | (206) 719-8598

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