The Clear Winner Is Trump – The Melt Down of the Left Is Glorious.

by Op-Ed

I watched the debate and was stunned at how bad Joe is. I’m not surprised. What does surprise me is that his handlers that know how bad he is thought this was all a good idea.
That they did this shows how nuts these people are. Their lack of awareness and good judgement. No wonder the world is on fire right now.

Having worked with the elderly for quite a chunk of my life, I know I am looking at a man that is so frail that he doesn’t have the physical strength to speak loud enough for the event.
He’s no longer mentally present enough to know his mouth is hanging open as he stands there staring, trying to follow, he doesn’t have the presence of mind to clear his throat, he can’t enunciate words or remember things correctly. I doubt very much that he followed most of what Trump said. He’s just a frail, elderly man being used.

But all this is also a national security threat because he’s clearly not all there and there is no denying this.
There should be all out rage against the machine for putting Americans in this place.. where a man that the wind could blow over is supposedly running the free world.

Donald did very well. He showed self control, and what I saw was a great deal of patience used because of course he himself also struggled to understand the babbling moments that made no sense- but he treated Joe with dignity and let these moments roll by.. when he could have drawn attention to them. If Donald had even looked at Joe and said “Can you repeat that” it would have shown how bad his speech is and yet Donald didn’t do any such thing.. when there was clearly just mumbles. His passion was good actually when he went on his rants because it showed the stunning contrast between these two men.. one is very much alive and the other is not at all.. unable to hardly speak.

Trump made clear efforts to attack the job Joe has done and not so much the man he is today. They called eachother liars, but then this is what they all do- every single time.

My one complaint is that Trump spent too much time talking about what he did.. too much time in the past. We all know that he’s got detailed plans about what he’s going to do- and that is what we desperately want to hear about. THAT is what would give a nation on it’s knees right now some hope that we need.. So it was a bit of a loss that he didn’t get into his plans better.. because I doubt they’ll be a next debate with these two.

I was disappointed that Donald didn’t answer directly the “what are you going to do for all these drug addicts” question because that is something ravaging NH in particular.
Donald didn’t ever really answer that instead going here and there.. not dodging the question, just seemingly choosing to spend his time on other things.

The clear winner is Trump.. the melt down of the Left is glorious.

Let them keep Biden, they’ve done this to themselves. However, their voters have proven they’ll vote for anything- so they will likely easily vote for anyone else they put forward at this point.


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