Confronting a Select Board Over Mandated D.E.I. Training - Granite Grok

Confronting a Select Board Over Mandated D.E.I. Training


After reviewing the town of Hartford D.E.I. training and discovering that it is a front for cultural Marxism propped up by lies and unproven social theory, I felt obligated to address the Select Board, which mandated it for town employees.

The following is my statement, and the link to the video is here (minutes 9:25-15:00).

Do you like to be lied to?  I don’t think any of us like to be lied to, especially by our government or media. However, the lying has become pathological to the point both government and media are at all-time lows in terms of the trust they have with the American people.  Why is that?

Recently, I watched a documentary film titled “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold,” which is an expose of the organization Black Lives Matter.  It’s important to note the maker of the film is a black woman.   She made the film because she discovered the fraudulent nature of its organizers.  Among the things she cites in the film:

  • BLM raised $90 million dollars, and almost none of it went to uplift black communities
  • George Floyd, whose death was used by BLM to justify nationwide riots and over $1 billion in property damage, not only had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his body, which is why he couldn’t breathe, BLM never used any of the money they raised to help cover the cost of his funeral nor settle his estate
  • More than one BLM director in a major city has resigned over the dishonesty of its leaders

Black Lives Matter is an almost sacrosanct term now because, of course, Black Lives Matter.  When I first heard the phrase, I was shocked because, as a rational adult, I can’t imagine who needed to be told Black Lives Matter. Personally, if you’re an adult in America and need to be reminded black lives matter, you’re a pathetic human being.  Likewise, if you feel it’s your place to tell other adults black lives matter, you’re equally ridiculous.

This is grade school-level messaging, which is exactly the point.  Black Lives Matter is a type of double-speak where the apparent meaning is different from the hidden meaning.  Why do I say this?  This is a Marxist tactic.  We know because Patrise Cullors, one of the co-founders of BLM, is on video stating, “we are trained Marxists.”

As the BLM riots burned down my home city of Portland, Oregon, I had to find out what was going on with this group, so I went to their website.  What I found in their mission statement was stunning – it was pure Marxism.  It called for all seven planks of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, among which are:

  • Abolition of private property
  • Abolition of the nation-state and national borders – that is to end America.
  • Abolition of religion
  • Abolition of inheritance
  • Abolition of the nuclear family

They’ve since taken these statements down due to backlash, which is another lie.  They won’t even stand behind their true intent.

Another example of DEI in practice comes just one town south of us in Windsor, where the principal was fired for stating on her private social media account, “All Lives Matter.”  This is her right of free speech to state, especially in private.  However, the Marxists on the school board had her fired for that simple statement – All Lives Matter.  Does anyone disagree?  Do all lives not matter?  The Vermont courts agreed and awarded her $650,000 in damages along with another $225,000 to cover her legal fees.  That’s almost a million dollars the town was forced to pay for the abuse of power.  Is the town of Hartford prepared to face similar lawsuits when someone who either misuses or refuses to use a pronoun gets fired for creating a “hostile work environment”, as your DEI training implied?

Here are some other DEI disasters from just this past month:

  • School administrators in Carmel, Indiana, confessed on hidden camera to pushing DEI and Critical Race Theory on students despite telling parents they weren’t – they lied
  • A town manager in Wisconsin issued a statement saying the colors red and green and any religious Christmas decorations would not be permitted in the town building because it’s “not inclusive.” So, rather than include decorations specifically related to the holiday, she wants to exclude them.  How is that inclusive?  It’s not, it’s a lie.

These people are often called “social justice warriors.”  It’s not about justice, though, it’s ideology that hides itself as a social theory but is, in fact, a religion.  Why do I say that?  Because Marx said that.  The Communist Manifesto was originally to be titled The Communist Statement of Faith until his comrade Engels suggested it would expose their true aim.  In other words, they lied.

If you’re still not convinced, ask the authors of Critical Race Theory an Introduction.  I have the book.  In the first edition, they state they met to write the book at a convent in Madison, Wisconsin, “surrounded by crucifixes, an odd place for a bunch of Marxists to meet.”  I suppose we should take their word for it.  The second edition removed that passage.  Yet another lie.

Lastly, the concept of white privilege – have any of you heard of this?  It’s the idea tied to America’s history that white people have created systemic privileges, thus systemic racism.  It’s an interesting theory and sounds truly unique, but can anyone tell me where the Han people live in the world?  China.  Yes, like white people are in America, they’re the most popular people group in China.  And one of the key pillars to Mao’s cultural revolution, for those of you who haven’t studied the history, was the concept of Han privilege, just like white privilege. That was in the 1950s.  Mao was a Marxist.

So here it is, DEI uses terms we can all support and should support diversity, equity, and inclusion.  However, that’s not how it’s practiced, which is the big lie.  If the town intends to pursue this type of teaching, I hope it’s prepared to deal with the lies and potentially the lawsuits that also come with it.

