John Stephen Failed to Act


During her campaign for Executive Council in District 4, Terese Bastarache passionately condemns the appalling neglect and complicity surrounding the abuse allegations at the Sununu Youth Services Center.

Her opponent, John Stephen, who served as Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), bears a significant burden of responsibility for this scandal.

As DHHS Commissioner, Stephen should have been acutely aware of the horrific abuses occurring under his watch, yet his inaction speaks volumes about his priorities and commitment to vulnerable children. John Stephen’s tenure at DHHS coincided with a period when reports of abuse at the Sununu Youth Services Center were rampant.

Despite being in a position of authority with direct oversight of such institutions, Stephen failed to act decisively or transparently to address these grave issues. His silence and lack of meaningful intervention allowed a cycle of abuse to persist, inflicting untold suffering on the children who were supposed to be under the state’s protection.

We want to thank Frank Staples for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Terese Bastarache vows to be a different kind of leader—one who will never turn a blind eye to the suffering of the most vulnerable. She criticizes Stephen’s gross negligence and underscores the urgent need for accountability and reform. As Commissioner, Stephen had a moral and legal duty to ensure the safety and well-being of children in state care. His inaction is a betrayal of that duty and a stark indication of his unfitness for public office.

Bastarache’s campaign is fueled by a commitment to justice and the protection of children. She pledges to bring transparency, accountability, and unwavering dedication to the Executive Council. Unlike her opponent, Bastarache will fight tirelessly to ensure that no child in New Hampshire is left to suffer in silence.

She believes that the children of New Hampshire deserve leaders who will stand up for them, confront difficult issues head-on, and take decisive action to prevent such atrocities from ever happening again.

The voters of District 4 deserve a representative who prioritizes the safety and well-being of all citizens, especially the most vulnerable. Terese Bastarache embodies these values and is determined to bring about the change and accountability that has been sorely lacking. Her commitment to justice and child protection is unwavering, making her the clear choice for those who believe in a safer, more compassionate New Hampshire.

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