HR79 WHO Withdrawal Act - Granite Grok

HR79 WHO Withdrawal Act

WHO World Health Organization

By tabling HB 1156, the New Hampshire state legislature has been derelict in its constitutional duty to nullify the globalist control of the WHO/CDC from controlling our healthcare decisions. Congressman Andy Biggs (R – AZ) bill H.R. 79, the WHO Withdrawal ACT is now the only opposition to the clear and present danger of the global pandemic treaty.

The Biden Administration International Health Regulations (IHR) Amendments to the global pandemic treaty are due to be signed in late May. Essentially, IHR will legalize the Executive Order fiat that violated our God-given inherent right to personal healthcare during COVID with the teeth of IHR law. Do you trust American leaders who ignore Ben Franklin’s warning: “that giving up essential liberty to secure temporary safety, we will deserve neither?” I don’t!

This WHO power grab will make personal healthcare obsolete. For safety to protect your health, the WHO plans to strengthen prevention, preparedness, and response. Do you want global unelected bureaucrats to make decisions, like having the power to initiate world travel health passes that will discriminate against the unvaccinated, the power to declare pandemics to implement controls, or the power to be your doctor to make decisions you’ll have no power to refuse? You’ll find further violations of individuals’ health privacy at global coordinated actions.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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If you cherish liberty, Americans must think critically about the Biden Administration’s Amendments giving the WHO power over American healthcare. We must ask our Representatives and Senators why they trust the leader of the WHO. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been presented as a civiv-minded Ethiopian public health official. Do our elected officials know he is a former communist revolutionary?

Before it’s too late, the American people must recognize that both state and federal government servants who choose globalist goals for the sake of party loyalty are actually choosing to side with the enemies of American liberty. Vladimir Lenin revealed the scheme that is now taking place, early in the 20th century: “Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of a socialist state.” Patriots simply point to their oath of office. Where in their oath do they find authorization to promote Lenin’s master scheme to control people now coming to fruition through healthcare controls of the WHO? The keystone of communism fails without the control of healthcare.

My late friend and Chapter Leader of The John Birch Society from Laconia, Colonel Bob Kingsbury, was General Patton’s First Scout and a survivor of the Battle of the Bulge. The last time I saw him, he said: “ We would have stormed the gates of hell for General Patton.” Today, in order to protect the liberties these men preserved for us, we must follow their example. They did not exchange safety for slavery. Aim the thrust of our grievances at the hell that our government has been creating for decades and continues to perpetuate to destroy American Independence and, thereby, our liberty. Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan, and Representatives Pappas and Kuster must be swarmed with emails, snail mails, and telephone calls to vote for H.R. 79, The WHO Withdrawal Act. Join tens of thousands who promote liberty by educating yourself for battle at
