One of the key reasons American liberty stands today is because our founders designed a unique system of local control of law enforcement; where the loyalties of family and friends are a precious guardian of liberty. Being blessed to see 87 years gives perspective on how things have changed. One such perspective is the gradual process to move local control of police to federal control.
Russ Payne
Is This the Last Year for the 4th of July?
The UN’s New York City Summit of Future, which will take place on Sept. 21st and 22nd, is meeting “to strengthen global governance for both present and future generations.” The ultimate goal of world government does not include our freedom or independence but rather the unlimited wealth and power of the UN, which promotes Chinese-style controls upon the state.
Is It Time to Get Your Kids Out?
Beware of what authority figures tell you about what happened before your birth. Why do modern proponents of evolutionary theory self-edit the full title of Charles Darwin’s revolutionary book “On the Origin of Species”?
The FED Is the Greatest Con Game in History
The decline of the U.S. dollar has deteriorated 98% since the Federal Reserve was created. FDR’s 1933 Executive Decrees initiated the removal of precious metal backing from the US dollar by taking us off the gold standard. Thereafter, dollars were only redeemable for silver until 1971. President Nixon then removed the dollar’s silver backing.
Night Cap: The UN is Coming for Your Guns
Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s famous words, “The line between good and evil runs through the human heart,” should haunt the minds of leftwing American voters; citizens proud of their hatred for our Second Amendment.
HR79 WHO Withdrawal Act
By tabling HB 1156, the New Hampshire state legislature has been derelict in its constitutional duty to nullify the globalist control of the WHO/CDC from controlling our healthcare decisions. Congressman Andy Biggs (R – AZ) bill H.R. 79, the WHO Withdrawal ACT is now the only opposition to the clear and present danger of the global pandemic treaty.
Americas Greatest Teacher of Americanism
In the empty minds of generations of youth, the Marxist heroes like the Beatles, Fidel Castro, and the freakish rock revolution of pot , rock, and revolution filled their minds with the lie that there is no God. John Birch is a hero that American youth were not allowed to know. Another great American Patriot, my friend Jack, suffered the same silence.
Outlaw the EPA in NH
Imagine a Mosquito at a nudist colony that knows what to do but doesn’t know where to start. Kudos to State Rep. Michael Granger and the five co-sponsors who know where to start! Introducing HB1294 to Nullify the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in NH will preserve state sovereignty and nullify (EPA) regulation enforcement.
Never Stop Applauding … Or Else!
It’s appropriate that the 28th annual meeting of the United Nations Climate Summit is called the “Conference of Parties.” Each year, they have a party destroying the liberty of the American people.
Public Education Choking Hooksett Taxpayers
Another chaotic confrontation took place at the Hooksett Town Meeting on Saturday. On both sides good folks were confronted with the reality that the school budget is choking taxpayers.
Congress Trusts, I Don’t. Do You?
Senator Rand Paul, in his talk, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up, at Hillsdale’s College Washington campus, exposes many revelations of unknown nefarious facts about the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and their major role in initiating gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Night Cap: The World’s Greatest “Pickpocket”
Booker T. Washington provides an accurate description of the dangerous nature of lies. “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by the majority.”
Divine Seeds of Liberty
Long ago, an unknown Chinese philosopher’s words described the biblical root of liberty that we call Americanism: “The well-being of a people is like a tree, agriculture is its roots, manufacturing, and commerce are its branches and its life; if the roots are injured, the leaves fall, and the branches break away, and the tree dies.”
Essentials for Liberty
In my 87 years of life, one of the most important lessons I learned early, taught to me by my late brother who wasted the tremendous talent God blessed him with: It’s easy to become happy while you’re drinking, but New Year’s Day you wake up with the same problems and a headache.
Night Cap: Sen. Rand Paul Wants To Abolish FISA
Wake up to the dangers of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Section 702 is up for congressional reauthorization before the end of the year. Congress must stand up for the Fourth Amendment and stop the FBI and NSA violations of personal rights to privacy by passing Senator Rand Pauls bill S.3372 to abolish FISA.
Prayer is Tyrannies Most Powerful Enemy
If ever a picture is worth a thousand words, it is the painting of George Washington kneeling and praying by his white horse in the snow at Valley Forge. Because of our forefathers’ prayers and sacrifice, our families enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas by warm fires, stuffing our bellies, and watching football.
Devious Plans Dressed Up With Nice Words
The Climate zealots of Agenda 2030 have presented to the world devious plans dressed up with nice words in 17 basic goals. If only we surrender our liberties to total global government control, these goals will save the earth from climate change.
A Killer Worse Than COVID
On August 22, the DHHS announced its allocation of an additional $1.4 billion toward the development of new Covid treatments and vaccines. If good health is their purpose, that’s like pouring gasoline on a fire.
Mao’s Agrarian Reform – Agenda 30 – The Great Reset
Mao’s Agrarian reform, growing into Klaus Swab’s WEF, Great Reset, and the UN Agenda 30 plans, will control every aspect of our lives. The Harold Ware Communist Party Cell planted in the Agriculture Department in 1933 sprouted the American “War on The Farmers.”
Masters of Deceit have Turned from Red to Green
Yesteryear’s gold fever has a lot in common with today’s environmental fever: each promises a better future. Finding gold, however, gives you the freedom to live the way you want. Moving towards an environmental way of life restricts freedom.