The Actual “New Hampshire Advantage” … State Rep “Doing Drag”

James Roesener is a State Representative who was elected in 2022 to represent Ward 8 of Concord. Perhaps you have never heard of Roesener, but her election was national news because she is an “out trans man.”

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Damond, It’s “Stifle,” Not “Stiffle,” … And People Have A Right To Know They Are “Represented” By An Incorrigible Communist

Apparently, State Rep Damond Ford … Hamas’ guy in the NH House… “dislikes” having his tweets discussed on Granite Grok. But as with everything else Rep Hamas … oops! Sorry! Rep Ford … is wrong. We don’t want to stifle your opinions DT … we want to amplify and spread them. So the people of New Hampshire will know just what an incorrigible Woke-Communist you are.

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NH state house dome

Support Anti-White Racism … Vote For Rep Alissandra Murray

Stae Rep Alissandra Murray … you may have heard about her? The State Rep who as a practical matter was/is being paid to be a State Rep by some abortion-advocacy group. From NH-NeverTrump Journal:

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State Rep Damond Ford … You CANNOT Be Progressive And Pro-Israel

I previously posted about State Rep Damond Ford (Communist – Manchester) Comm-washing the history of slavery in order to indoctrinate schoolchildren: State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History. But there is more.

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