Amazon is Closing Retail Stores in Dem-Run Cities ‘cuz Crime!

Amazon can be #woke, so it was amusing when it got crap for launching a unique retail experience. Cashless stores were racist or something. But the online giant persisted until recently. Amazon has announced it is closing some of these stores.

The retail giant said it would be permanently shutting down eight of its 29 Amazon Go stores, which are designed for maximum convenience as the shopper can just scan the items as they leave, with no staff required.

Criminals can also conveniently jump over the barrier with no one there to stop them.

Despite the cashier-free system helping Amazon’s bottom line, the company claimed it was closing the outlets because they haven’t met profitability expectations.

Since the BLM summer of love, crime, and punishment have gone their separate ways, at least on the Democrat-run urban plantations. Soros-supported District Attorneys get the blame, but they are little more than a magnifier focusing pre-existing left-wing policy. The middle class is a problem for Marxists. It likes stability, so the Left looks for ways to amplify chaos. Rob them through taxes and regulations and rob them of everything else by whatever means are available.

The plan is working. Chaos is up exponentially. Partisanship and tribalism create more of it. They have or are trying to legalize drugs and prostitution. Letting criminals rob local businesses. No cops to follow up on crimes. It gets unnerving, and refusing to prosecute these crimes establishes chaos as the new standard.

Most of Middle America is watching if they aren’t affected, so they wonder when it will reach their door.

Retailers in cities where the Left has been beta-testing this scheme are trying to hold it together, but even Wal-Mart has bailed on the intolerable BS that is Portland, Oregon. No Wal-Marts in Portland. None.

The official company line is that they are shedding unprofitable locations without mentioning that legal theft is why they are unprofitable. Sure, but the folks truly harmed by these migrations are inner-city residents: higher prices, fewer choices, fewer jobs, a declining dollar, and increased crime.

Democrats are doing this to you deliberately,  and it doesn’t end if you do not vote your way out of the co-dependency of one-party Liberal rule. And if you can’t escape the misery they have heaped on you, they have or will have legalized assisted suicide so they can help you kill yourself.

And they say free will, freedom, and free markets are dangerous.

I know, a dark turn considering the title, but if Amazon can’t afford to make it work, who the hell can?


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