Survival Sunday

I cannot guarantee this will be done every week.  Between memes, work, family, etc., I’m swamped.  But still… trying to get info out as I believe things are getting to a head, and sooner than we think possible. 

Request: I am hoping to connect with, and get mentored by, someone in the southern NH area that can help me set up and “run” my pressure canner.  Also, someone in the same area that understands how to do no-refrigeration-needed sausage making / meat preservation.




Brace Yourselves, Because What The Elites Have Planned Is Going To Absolutely Devastate The US Economy ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

And, per a marine friend, likely before the 2024 election.  Thus giving rationale to “temporarily” postponing the election while they get it sorted out.




First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.  I know this is a long post; I am attempting to put out a lot of information as a resource.  Read or skip sections depending on your interests.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

FYI, here’s a link to the last Survival Sunday.




Messenger RNA “Vaccines” in Meat Animals

Determined to get mRNA into you.  BAMN.




Top of the fold:

INSANITY: Biden Regime Proposes Ban on Sale of Portable Gas Generators, Raising Concerns for Power Outage Reliance | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

I should grab something that has enough “umph” to power my well.  As a backup to my backup generator.

West Africa military chiefs prepare possible Niger mission – Insider Paper

Another flash point added to the mix.




SITREP sites:

I used to do a SITREP post as a separate, stand-alone.  I can’t afford that time any more.  Here are some “starter places” for sites that I routinely go to get info about what’s happening.

The sidebar of my old blog, with links to other places.   redpilljew

Gates of Vienna

Doug Ross @ Journal (

The Other McCain


ancipient news



Oddments – random thoughts on prepping:

  • Stuff for car oil changes.  And car maintenance in general – bulbs, belts, who knows what?



Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

Mind4Survival – Survival and Preparedness

Gray Wolf survival

Sustainable Living (

The Classic Survivalist – Surviving in a Modern World

Primal Survivor – Practical and sensible prepping advice

Em Off-grid – We & Our Off The Grid Life – Em OffGrid

Resource for Practical, Daily Prepping Skills for SHTF & Survival (

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Specific, one-up articles:

Create a Collapse Supply List – The Organic Prepper

Older, but good.

How Gangs Operate Post-Collapse – The Organic Prepper


What Will You Do When You Run Out of Stored Fuel? – The Organic Prepper

In the long term it’s bicycles, tricycles, etc.

Related to Spicy Time:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Cooking during a prolonged emergency

The big question IMHO is short or long term?  Long-long term, it’s over a wood fire in some form, or with something solar.  Two more from the same site, different topics:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Drone warfare: coming to a suburb near you?

Bayou Renaissance Man: Looks like crime by the homeless is getting organized

Related to Bushcraft specifically:


5 Survival Traps and Snares that WORK! – Primitive Traps



Another couple of trapping videos (links only):

10+ Bushcraft Skills and Wilderness Survival Hacks – YouTube

Man Survives in the Wild Using Primitive Fishing Traps| by @rampe201 – YouTube


Old School Survival Camping – No Tent, No Sleeping Bag – Exploring Appalachia



Related (link only):

Lost in Alaska – How to NOT Freeze to Death! Winter Survival Camping & Bushcraft (No Tent or Bag) – YouTube

11 Essential Knots for Survival and Bug Out – YouTube

Build All Natural Bark Roof Bushcraft Shelter in Winter Snow (

A Beginner’s Guide To Trapping (

Some good tips.  Related:

Building traps and snares



Top 5 Rules of Stockpiling!





Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?




I have a FORAGING group on Gab.  I will check 2-3 times a week to see if people have asked to join.

Foraging: One-up articles

40+ Wild Plants You Can Make into Flour (

Lots of alternatives to regular flour.  Another:

How to Make Birch Bark Flour (Plus Birch Shortbread Cookies) (

50+ Edible Wild Berries & Fruits ~ A Foragers Guide (

And then the opposite – not to eat:

Poisonous Berries ~ A Forager’s Guide (

Foraging Beech Nuts (

One person I know has, I think, one of these.  Need to ask to come over to double-check.

Medicinal Shrubs and Woody Vines: Corylus, Hazelnut (

Not just for food!

Foraging (permanent feature):

Foraging (

Wild Harvests (

Southern Appalachian Herbs

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods





Shortages (broadly):

‘Some will go hungry, some will starve’: Global rice shortages feared after India bans exports | World News | Sky News

This will have ripple effects, even if you don’t eat rice specifically.

Drug And Food Shortages Are Here, And They Will Get A Lot Worse… | ZeroHedge

Trouble ahead.



Gardening, Food Storage, Animals, Food Preservation, Health, and Related:


My Clever Ways to MANIPULATE Tomatoes to Produce Early, Often, and Nonstop



Other gardening videos, links only:

You’re Killing Your Tomatoes if You Do This, 5 MISTAKES You Can’t Afford to Make Growing Tomatoes – YouTube

2 Ways To Grow Zucchini And Summer Squash You May Not Know – YouTube

How to Build a Mini RAISED BED Using ONE PALLET, FREE Backyard Gardening! – YouTube

Doing This ONE THING Eliminates 90% of PEST PROBLEMS in the Garden – YouTube

The Holy Grail Homestead Plant & The Secrets to Grow It – YouTube

A Simple Composting System for Small Farms | Four Winds Farm – YouTube

1/8 Acre Abundance: FULL TOUR + BEST TIPS for Growing – YouTube

Your Cucumbers Will LOVE You For This: 5 Things To Do NOW! – YouTube

When are Potatoes Ready to Harvest? – YouTube

Grow More Sweet Potatoes FAST & CHEAP! – YouTube

How to Grow: Potatoes in Pots / Homegrown Garden – YouTube

Unbelievable Backyard Garden Harvest, This is What I Harvested Today! – YouTube

Harvesting Your Garlic – The Definitive Guide For Beginners – YouTube

I Made A Tomato Trellis With The Biggest Yields! – YouTube



Make ANY Fruit Into Crystal Clear Jam…



55 Gardening Resources to Help You Have the Best Harvest Ever (

Sweeping with many references.

A Prepper’s Guide to Personal Hygiene When the SHTF – The Organic Prepper

So many things to think about!  And I did not know soaps could break down.

Using eggs in the garden – 5 expert tips | Homes & Gardens (

I have a big bag of cleaned eggshells, fragmented, that I use.

Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

Topical Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables

Hydroponics and Greenhouse Gardening: 3-in-1 Gardening Book to Grow Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit All-Year-Round

Hydroponics for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Hydroponic Gardening, Designing and Building Inexpensive DIY Hydroponic Systems…

The Aquaponics Guidebook: Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics



Self-defense (broad)

I sometimes get the feeling I’m talking to a brick wall…

I wish I could live farther out.

Blending In While Carrying Concealed | An Official Journal Of The NRA (




Hunting & Fishing:



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

Blind mystic Baba Vanga makes nuclear disaster prediction for 2023 (

I’m not one for psychics.  In one place where I used to live there was a prominent psychic / palm reader.  I used to joke that I’d take them seriously if they put up a sign with my name, the correct date / time, inviting me in. 😊

But given that she died quite a while ago… and that there seems to be a push for something with Russia… something to consider.




Biden Crime Family Chalkboard: The Corruption Charge that Could Take Joe DOWN | Ep 297




Palate cleansers:



Please check out my MEMES collections; last one here.  Mockery, ridicule, and the wrapping of uncomfortable truths inside humor can penetrate the cognitive shields of normies far more effectively – IMHO – than dry facts and figures.


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