So NH State Rep Mike Bordes (RINO-Belmont) Is Looking to Gut The NH Senate's Parental Rights Bill With These Amendments - Granite Grok

So NH State Rep Mike Bordes (RINO-Belmont) Is Looking to Gut The NH Senate’s Parental Rights Bill With These Amendments

Mike Bordes

Effectively, NH State Rep Mike Bordes is SCREAMING:

PARENTS – Your children belong to Government!!  SCREW YOU, PARENTS!

And the vote is this Thursday (according to the House Republican Leadership, from what I’ve been told).

Here’s the floor amendment that will be put forward by him, via a different State Rep, for the vote on SB272 – the Senate’s version of HB10 that Bordes voted against to send that bill down in flames.  (emphasis mine):

It removes:

(t) The right to inquire of the school or school personnel and to be truthfully and completely informed if their child is being identified by any name other than the name under which the child was enrolled in the school or any nickname that a reasonable person would understand to be commonly derived from such name, including under circumstances which a reasonable person would understand to be for the purpose of facilitating a change of gender or gender transition.

(u) The right to inquire of the school or school personnel and to be truthfully and completely informed if the child is being identified or referred to by school district staff, as being of a gender other than that of which the child was identified or referred when enrolled.

(v) The right to inquire of the school or school personnel and to be truthfully and completely informed if any school or school personnel are proceeding with any intervention to affirm or to provide an accommodation of a child’s asserted gender identity when the student’s gender identity is other than that of which the child was identified or referred when enrolled.

(w) The right to know what extracurricular activities, clubs, or organizations their child is participating in.

It’s bad enough that many School Districts (including my own if you haven’t been following my posts on it) are keeping secrets from Parents under the guise of “Childism” (re: children ALWAYS know what is best for them and Parents are just oppressing and evil towards their children, treating them like chattel or property). Now Mike Bordes is trying to codify that practice into law and force the State of NH into becoming a Sanctuary State, of sorts for children in school with respect to sexuality (that many are FAR too young to even begin to understand the long term ramifications of such choices).

Here’s his Facebook page. Can you imagine the smirk on his face, given the above and eliminating Mothers from knowing about their children, and him all but handing their children over to Government, and doing this for Mother’s Day?  Here’s the post. And if that link goes dead because he just closed down his page, here’s the screenshot:

Mike Bordes - screwing over mothers with his SB272 Amendment

Nice of him, on Mother’s Day, to screw over all Mothers with children is school.

And of course, right under that was a Teacher Appreciation Week post.  Yeah, we know whose eyes this Unionista is poking out and it isn’t the teachers.

The Democrats will all vote for this. Bordes and a few other Parent hating RINOs will also vote for it.

Isn’t this just lovely, those Moms that live in Laconia in Wards 1,3,4, 5, and 6?  A majority of you voted him into office to represent you in Belknap District 5 last November.  Is this what you expected from him?

Oh, other mis-Partied (hey, if the Transgender folks can make up new stupid words like “misgender”, I can do the same) Reps will probably go for this as well. Or vote against the bill. Or “take a walk” when the vote is being called (which means voting against the bill without actually voting).

Others to add to the list that I believe will vote for this and/or vote against SB272:

  • Travis O’Hara
  • David Nagel
  • Dan Wolf






