Notable Quotes: Republicans have to Meet Biden Head-On - Granite Grok

Notable Quotes: Republicans have to Meet Biden Head-On

Jesse Watters Wikipedia

Actually, I thought this inspired rant by Jesse Watters was aimed more at the Democrat Wokesters that are ruining America – a blunderbuss of bits and pieces in showing how nutty their actions are:

Republicans have to meet Biden head-on. If they’re being called extreme, this is what you do:

Oh, you guys are calling US extreme? You guys want to talk about transgender sex education to six year olds? You want the six year olds listening to the sex talk with masks on? And, you’re telling the six year olds with the masks on that they’re also racists. And the School they’re going to is Abe Lincoln Elementary and he’s racist so we’re going to change the name of that and if the parents complain, we’re going to wiretap your phone.

Greg, they want to empty the prisons and open up the border and want to power the economy with windmills.

God’s looking down and laughing at them.He put the oil in the ground. He doesn’t want the wind to power; I mean, it’s stupid (Gutfield: I wouldn’t use that argument but go ahead.).

Wind is for birds not for power. OIl is for the energy.

And then he comes out and bribing liberals that went to law school with $10,000 checks. And they get out of law school, they can’t define what a woman is and then he just puts them on the Supreme Court.

Greg, this guy is insane. He just came out and said that Republicans are a threat to Democracy. This is the guy and the FBI that rigged the last election and then raided his political opponent’s house.

Trump got impeached for ASKING to investigate Joe Biden. Joe Biden is actually investigating Donald Trump. No one is talking about abuse of Power. No one is talking about it at all. Why aren’t they talking about it, Greg?

Because they are reading from a teleprompter at MSNBC.

-Jesse Watters (Fox News, The Five, 9/6/2022)
