More Bad News For Electric Vehicles (Truck Edition) - Granite Grok

More Bad News For Electric Vehicles (Truck Edition)

Rivian EV truck screen grab

Electric Vehicles (EVs) suck. To review, they are dirty to build (not green), dirty to run (not green), are more likely to fail, are far too expensive, and inadequate to almost any task not suited to a golf cart (which is a lot cheaper), and now we’ve got more bad news.

Related: A Reality Check For Electric Vehicles in the Real America

The electric Rivian pulled a 2,000-pound trailer 153 miles, using 91 percent of its battery charge. Extrapolating to a full charge, TFL Truck estimated the actual range was 168 miles.

The gas Tundra, on the other hand, drove the same route with the trailer and used only a third of its fuel. Extrapolating the remaining gasoline in the tank at the initially-used 14.8 miles per gallon showed the Tundra with a range of 473 miles.


And that was the best result on their test.


Actually, the Rivian did fairly well when compared to another TFL Truck test pitting an electric Ford F150 against a gas-powered GMC Denali Ultimate Edition pickup, each towing a 3-ton trailer.

In that test, the F150’s computer said it should have had a range similar to the Rivian’s — 160 miles. Instead, the electric Ford limped to a charging station after only about 85 miles. The GMC traveled 156 miles and it’s computer said it had 129 miles remaining.


The Electric Vehicles will have to pull over, find a place to charge, wait for their turn, and then wait to recharge the battery. Even in a perfect world with enough charging stations and electricity, you still have to stop and wait to recharge. When the gasoline-powered vehicle that has already outranged the EV needs more fuel, it fills in minutes and is back on the road.

Related: Democrat Solution to Democrat-Created Problem – Charge $1000.00/ Year to Register Electric Vehicles

Now. The Western Journal author does give the EV Truck some credit that, in my opinion, it does not deserve. “Electric trucks have a place — low mileage applications in, perhaps, smog-prone urban areas.”

If you don’t mind “offshoring” your emissions, then maybe. EVs are not greener. Best case, you could pretend driving it offsets the carbon emitted to make it, drive it, and scrap it (beginning and end-of-life carbon), but that would be a lie. But since lies are the foundation of the environmental movement, if you are the sort who has the cash to drop on and in an EV pickup, you are probably already comfortable with a wide range of lies the Left likes to tell.




HT | Natural News
