Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality

President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat. The latest example is displayed in the administration’s emissions mandates for … Read more

Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality

President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat.

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YC EV Garbage Truck

Fleets of EV Trucks Are an Impossible Dream

California has led the nation in a climate-saving push for EV tractor-trailer trucks to replace diesel power. Fiction eventually runs aground on reality, in this case, the economic, environmental, and scientific facts that the California Legislature ignored when it implemented impossible mandates for gleaming fleets of EV trucks.

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NH House 2-22-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (2/22/24)?

We learned that we were able to get through reconsideration of HB154 (reconsideration failed), 44 regular calendar bills and 1 bill pulled off consent, between 9 am and 5:30 pm, with an hour for lunch (thankfully provided by the NH Nurses Association). Everyone was prepared to stay much longer into the evening, but speeches were relatively short, and we had a nice amount of voice votes on bills, too!

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Has The “Success” of EV’s Caused Their Collapse?

The Electric Vehicle (EV) has always been a Climate Pootemkin Villiage. The mirage of climate activism incarnate. Unaffordable but to a few who expect those beneath them to follow their example. A class that forced car makers to build them and taxpayers to subsidize something with significant manufacturing downsides to the planet.

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The Demise of the Electric Vehicle

The nation’s recent deep freeze stranded many expensive electric vehicles (EVs) with drained batteries, often in front of charging stations equally disabled by the cold. Warmer areas like California, where some 39% of EV car owners reside, do not abuse their batteries with the harsh seasonal winters that threaten many regions of the nation and … Read more

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