light-bulb-Man Head Energy Power Solutions

It Isn’t Easy Going Green

Kristin Walker at the (American Consumer Institute) has published research analyzing the carbon cost of so-called green technology. She breaks down the details for the big three – Wind, Solar, and EV Batteries – and details the emissions cost of the so-called magic that makes these things possible. Often left out of the discussion is … Read more

NH Gets 31 Million to Buy ‘Green’ School Buses

Senator Jeanne Shaheen, the Debt Machine, is all handshakes and smiles after milking future taxpayers for another 31 million dollars. Shaheen, who ran in 2008 opposing more debt, has added 25 trillion more during her tenure in the US Senate. What’s another 31 million at this point, eh? The rebates will help selectees purchase 110 … Read more

EV Fees Should Go to Road Maintenance and Repair

The recent—and unfortunately more regular—flooding Vermont has experienced since last summer has damaged a lot of infrastructure, but the impact on our roads due to washouts is a big one—and an expensive one for the state and local municipalities. This raises a critical question of where the money is going to come from to fix … Read more

Ford and American flag

Is The Pivot From EVs Underway?

I was never likely to buy a Hybrid vehicle – too expensive -but if you put that idea in the perspective of an energy transition, that would have been the only way to begin. Transition suggests a phasing in or out. What we got instead was an all-electric Vehicle vanguard. Push combustion engine vehicles off … Read more

EV charging electric vehicle

Dissatisfied EV Owners Spell Doom for Electric Car Manufacturing

A recent consumer survey revealed that 46% of US electric car owners wish to switch back to a gas-powered car. In an industry already facing hurdles with charging stations, cost, and public skepticism, consumer distaste over performance and a hefty price tag threatens to eviscerate future EV sales. Despite subsidies and claims of world-saving environmental … Read more

EVs Worse for the Environment Episode Number (…I’ve Lost Count)

Electric Vehicle owners continue to find themselves the victims of a massive global bait-and-switch. They bought the car thinking it would save the planet (jokes on you, fool) only to discover hidden costs, from insurance to longer and more expensive repair times, for a car that’s not really green, that isn’t running on green energy, and now this.

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Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality

President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat. The latest example is displayed in the administration’s emissions mandates for … Read more

Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality

President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat.

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YC EV Garbage Truck

Fleets of EV Trucks Are an Impossible Dream

California has led the nation in a climate-saving push for EV tractor-trailer trucks to replace diesel power. Fiction eventually runs aground on reality, in this case, the economic, environmental, and scientific facts that the California Legislature ignored when it implemented impossible mandates for gleaming fleets of EV trucks.

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