Hey NH-NeverTrumpJournal … Any Comment On The FBI Rigging The 2020 Election?

We have known for some time that one of the multiple ways that the 2020 election was rigged is that the Hunter Biden laptop … which in addition to showing that crack-head Hunter was a crackhead and lawbreaker, showed that the “Big Guy” was into Hunter’s grift up to his eyebrows … was censored. We recently learned that the wellspring for the censorship was the FBI:

The FBI knew that the laptop was legitimate. It interfered in the 2020 election in order to get Biden elected. Polling shows that Trump would have won going away if the voters had been aware of the laptop.

This is totally indefensible. You don’t have a fair election or a democracy when the FBI is putting its finger on the scale.

Yet … as far as I can tell … not a peep about this outrage from NH-NeverTrumpJournal. Apparently, Michael Graham would rather live in a Police State than allow the voters to have the President they want.

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